

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:78次 大小:1205208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津上海版(深圳用)2020年小学英语四升五暑期衔接训练第3讲:连词成句 一、连词成句 1.rises;?? ?the;?? ?the;?? ?morning;?? ?in;?? ?sun;?? ??(.) 21cnjy.com 2.desk; ???soft;?? ?is;?? ?hard;?? ?or;?? ?the;?? ??(?) 3.feel;?? ?it;?? ?how;?? ?does;?? ??(? ) 4.is;?? ?fox;?? ?and;?? ?thirsty;?? ?hungry;?? ?the;?? ??(.) 2·1·c·n·j·y 5.moon;?? ?high;?? ?the;?? ?the; sky;?? ?is;?? ?in;?? ??(.) 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 6.at;??__the;??_? night;?? moon;?? is;?? sky;?? up;?? high;?? in;?? the;?? ?(.) 21·世纪*教育网 7.is;?? this;?? piano;?? your;?? aunt's;? ?( ? ) 8.likes;?? he;?? the;?? playing;?? guitar;?? ?(.) 2-1-c-n-j-y 9.you;?? c_ome;????_ like;?? to;?? us;?? would;?? with;?? join;?? and;?? ?(?) 【出处:21教育名师】 10.guitar;?? ?whose;?? ?it;?? ?is;?? ??(?) 11.there;?? is;?? volleyball;?? club;?? in;?? his;?? school;?? ?(.) 12.you;?? ?play;?? ?violin;?? ?the;?? ?can;?? ??(? ) 21*cnjy*com 13.talk;?? on; sunday;?? the;?? we;?? computer;?? on;?? ?(.) 14.what;?? you;?? like;?? doing;?? do;?? ?(? ) 15.likes;?? evening;?? reading;?? peter;?? in;?? the;?? ?(.) 16.what;?? peter;?? have;?? time;?? does;?? dinner;?? ?(?) 17.is;?? the;?? how; weather;?? december;?? in;?? ?(?) 18.is;? city;? in;? how;? your;? weather;? the;? ?(?) 19.what;?? ?chess;?? ?time;?? ?do;?? ?play;?? ?you;?? ??(?) 20.sunny;? windy;? and;? it';? ?july;? in;? ?(.) 21.in;?? party;?? the;?? we;?? morning;?? have;?? a;?? ?(.) . 22.this;?? many;?? plant;?? flowers;?? has;?? ?(.) 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 23.day;?? is;?? children's;?? june;?? in;?? china;(.) 24.are;?? leaves;?? there;?? many;?? ?(.) 25.i;?? to;?? go;?? my;?? the;?? zoo;?? with;?? parents;??? (.) 26.in;?? the;?? have;?? morning;?? we;?? party;?? a;?? (.) 27.there; ??in;?? ?home;?? ?my;?? ?a;?? ?garden;?? ?is;?? ??( . ) 28.the;?? ?many;?? ?plant;?? ?leaves;?? ?has;?? ??(.) 29.i;?? ?them;?? ?water;?? ?day;?? ?every;?? ??(.) 21世纪教育网版权所有 30.jill;?? ?sunday;?? ?volleyball;?? ?plays;?? ?on;?? ??(.) 答案解析部分 一、连词成句 1. The sun rises in the morning.? 解析:_rise_s升起,the这,the这,morning早晨,in在……里,sun太阳,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:太阳在早晨升起。故答案为The sun rises in the morning.? 点评:本题考查了连词成句,先翻译单词然后根据英语的语法把单词连接起来。 2. Is the desk hard or soft? 解析:des_kè????????so_ft软的,is是,hard硬的,or还是,the这,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一般疑问句:课桌是硬的还是软的?故答案为Is the desk hard or soft? 点评:做连词成句,首先读题,掌握每个单词,将固定词组先连接起来,然后再串联其它单词。 3. How does it feel? 解析:feel感觉,i_t??????how_怎么样,does助动词,无意义,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句:它感觉怎么样?故答案为How does it feel? 点评:连词成句,先翻译单词,然后根据英语的语法,把单词连接起来。 4. The fox is thirsty and hungry. 解析:is是_???fox??????_,and和,thirsty渴了,hungry饿了,the这,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:狐狸又渴又饿。故答案为Th ... ...

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