

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:75次 大小:1216512Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津上海版(深圳用)2020年小学英语五升六暑期衔接训练第3讲:语法填空 一、语法填空 1.The boy _____ (not have) lunch at twelve next week. 2·1·c·n·j·y 2.Kitty often _____ (look) at her photos at home. 2-1-c-n-j-y 3.She _____ (have) a good job in the future. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 4._____ your birthday _____ (come) soon? 【版权所有:21教育】 5.I like _____ (play) volleyball and basketball. 21教育名师原创作品 6.There _____ (be) a football match next month. 7.I go to school on foot. Jim _____ (go) to school by bus. 8.I put my book _into_m_y bag. Peter _____ (put) his book on the bed. 9.This is not_____kite. That kite is blue, but_____is yellow. ( I ) 10.I ha_ve_a_w_hite dog._____name is Cindy. These toys are_____. ( it ) 11.The dress is_____.Give it to_____.( she ) 12._____is my brother,_____name is Tony. Look! Those model planes are_____. ( he ) 13.桝re these_____tickets? 桸o, they are not_____. ( they ) 14.Mum, you__shoul_d _____ (have) a rest. Tom should _____ (have) a rest, too. 15. Who _____ (sing) in the classroom? Sam and Jim are. 16.You h_ave_a__bad cold. Let me _____ (take) you to the hospital. 17.They pu_ll_all_ the tiger's _____ (tooth) and the tiger becomes a _____ (tooth) tiger. 二、用合适的介词填空 18.A giant lives in a house _____?a beautiful garden. 19.Nian is afraid _____?the colour red. 20.The Spring Festival comes_____January or February. 21.It is _____?important Chinese festival. 22.Do you want to come _____?me? 23.She is _____爐he first floor. 24.It's a wonderful place _____燼 holiday. 25.Let's go _____燬anya. 26.I'm going to see a film _____爉y grandparents. 27.I'm going to play football _____燬unday. 28.I'm going to stay _____爃ome. 29.They are pictures _____燿ifferent places. 30.We'll stay in a hotel _____爐he sea. 答案解析部分 一、语法填空 1. will not have 解:句意:这_?????·????????????_十二点不吃午饭。由时间词next week可知,该句子是一般将来时,其结构是:will+动词原形,否定是will not +动词原形,故答案为will not have。 【点评】本题考查一般将来时,注意其否定句结构。21cnjy.com 2. looks 解:句意_??????è??????????¨_家里看她的照片。由often可知该句子是一般现在时,主语Kitty是第三人称单数,谓语动词也用单三式,look-looks,故答案为looks。 【点评】考查一般现在时的动词单三式,注意动词单三式的构成规则。21·cn·jy·com 3. will have 解:句_???????°????????°?_有一份好工作。由时间词in the future可知,该句子是一般将来时,其结构是:will+动词原形,故答案为will have。 【点评】考查一般将来时,注意掌握其构成。21·世纪*教育网 4. Is;coming 解:句意:你的生_????????°?????????_根据soon得知,该句子是一般将来时,come来,常用现在进行时结构表将来,因此需要be coming,主语birthday是第三人称单数,因此be动词是is,故答案为Is,coming。 【点评】考查现在进行时,注意come常用现在进行时表将来及现在分词的变化规则。 5. playing 【解析】【分析_??????????????????_欢打排球和篮球。like doing sth,喜欢干某事,是固定搭配,因此需要动词ing形式,play-playing,故答案为playing。 【点评】考查like doing sth固定搭配,注意动词ing的变化规则。21教育 ... ...

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