

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:24次 大小:1284608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津上海版(深圳用)2020年小学英语五升六暑期衔接训练第6讲:情景交际 一、情景交际 1.给下列问句选择正确的答语 A. Red. B. It's on 25th December. C. No. They are his. D. I have a cold. E. Yes. I think paper is a great invention. F. Because it's big and tidy. G. I am going to the beach. H. I'll stay in Beijing for two weeks. (1)Tommy, are these your shoes? (2)Why do you like the study? (3)What are you going to do this weekend? (4)How long will you stay in Beijing? (5)Which colour do you like, red or blue? (6)What's wrong with you, little boy? (7)Do you know any great inventions in the world? 21·cn·jy·com (8)When is Christmas? 2.从方框中选择合适的答语填空, 使对话完整。 The blue one.??? For two weeks. They are Kitty's. Because I want to help people.??? I want to go to Beijing. (1)A:How long will you stay in Australia? B:_____ (2)A:Why do you want to be a doctor? B:_____ (3)A:Where do you want to go in summer holiday? B:_____ (4)A:Whose socks are those? B:_____ (5)A:Which T-shirt do you like the red one or the blue one? B:_____ 3.给下列问句搭配适当的答句,把序号写在很横线上。 A. She is making a card for her friend. B. Because it's so big. C. I'm going to watch TV and do my homework. D. Yes,he will. E. She is going to play in the park today. ①What are you going to do this weekend? _____ ②What is Lily going to do today?_____ ③What is Miss Lin doing now?_____ ④Will Tony be a policeman?_____ ⑤Why do you like this house?_____ 二、补全对话 4.从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话。 A. Thanks a lot. B. Why not go to hospital? C. Are you ill? D. What are you doing? E. Tell me the way to your home. A: Hello, Bobby. _____ B: I'm not feeling well. A: _____ B: Yes, I have a fever. A: _____ B: Nobody is at home except me. A: _____ B: It is beside the park. The red building is. A: Wait for me. I'll get to your home at once. B: _____ 5.选出合适的句子,完成对话。(填序号) A. I'll get well soon. B. Why not go to the hospital? C. What's the matter with you? D. Where are you? E. How are you? A: Hello, Bob. _____ B: Not very well. A: _____ B: At home. A: _____ B: I have a cold and a headache. A: _____ B: Don't worry. I take the medicine. A: Let's go to see the doctor. OK? B: No, thank you. I think _____ A: Good luck! B: Thank you! 6.从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话。 A. Let's do it fast. B. But I'll tidy up my room. C. What will you do there? D. I'll go to the bookshop. E. Nice to see you. A: Hi, Jim. _____ B: Nice to see you, too. A: Where will you go? B: _____ A: _____ B: I'll read books. There are many good books for us.21cnjy.com A: Really? _____ B: Let me help you. A: Thank you! B: _____ 7.从方框中选择合适的选项填空,补全对话。(填序号) A. Because I can go swimming and play on the beach. B. I like summer best. C. Yes, I like to live in Shenzhen. D. I also play football after class with my friends. E. I will live with grandparents and my parents. A: Which season do you like best? B: _____ A: Why? B: _____ ... ...

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