
Starter Module 2 My English lesson Unit 1 Open your book 课件28张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:92次 大小:24930810Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 外研版 七年级上册 Starter Module 2 My English lesson Unit 1 Open your book Let’s sing a song . (跟我们的一起唱吧) Hello! Harry! Hi! Tom! Good morning, Jerry! Hello, Kobe Bryant ! Lead-in 歌曲欣赏 Revision—work in pairs. Lead-in A: - How are you? B: - Fine , thank you. How are you? A: - I’m fine ,too. Thanks. Revision—work in pairs. Lead-in A: What’s your name? B: My name is Amy. A:Sorry?     B:I’m Amy. A:Can you spell it, please? B:A-M-Y, Amy. A:Thank you. open ['?up?n]打开,打开的 例:Please open your book. 请打开你的书。 close [kl??s] v. 关闭 例:Close the window. 请关上你的窗子。 New words New words listen. [?l?s?n] V.听 例:Listen to the music. 听音乐 stand [st?nd] v. 站 例:Stand up.起立,站起来 draw. [dr??]画 例:Can you draw a dog? 你会画小狗吗? hear [h??] v. 听 例: Can you hear anything? 你能听见吗? put up . 举起。 例:Put up your hand. 举起手 New words Read after the tape sit v. 坐 down adv. 向下地 prep. 向下 open v.(打)开 book n. 书 listen v. 听,倾听 draw v. 绘画,画 put v. 放;置 up adv. 向上地 prep. 朝上;向上 hand n. 手 stand v. 站立 close v. 合上;关闭 Can you spell it? Let's challenge ourselves ,Are you ready? 绘画,画 手 听,倾听 放;置 站立 书 Game time (打)开 Listen and read Activity One Good morning,class. Good morning,Miss Zhou. Please sit down. Listen and repeat Sit down. Listen. Draw. Put up your hand. Stand up. Close your book. Open your book. Activity Two sit down坐下。 ⑴ 其反义词组是stand up(起立)。down adv.向下,朝下。其反义词为up(向上,朝上)。 (2)拓展:seat作名词,意为“座位”。 常用短语:/have a seat/take one's seat坐下,就座。 例如: Notes Learning tips Take your _____please 请坐吧。 seat Notes 2. Open your book.打你的书。 (1)open v. 反义词 close 例:Close the door.关上门。 (2)open adj.开着的。反义词 closed adj.关着的。 例:The door is open. 门开着。 例如:Please _____ the window. 请打开窗户。 open 3. listen v.听,倾听 listen为不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,如果跟宾语,应在listen后面加介词to。listen可以单独使用,以提醒对方注意。 例如: Listen to me,class.听我说,同学们。 请听老师讲! Please _____ the teacher! Notes listen to Notes 4. put up 举起 反义词 put down 例如:Put down your hands.放下手。 (2) 同义词:“hands up/raise your hands”等。 例如:Hands up,please.请举手。 Notes (3)put up是一个动副词组,名词作宾语时, 可放在动副词组中间或后面;但代词作宾语时, 只能放在动副词组中间。 例如:Put it up.把它举起来。 (  )1.Put up your    . A.hand B.nose C.name D.head A Notes 5.祈使句 (1)用于表达命令、劝告、请求等内容,一般省略主语you,常以动词原形开头。 (2) 否定形式为“don’t+动词原形”。 例如:Please come in./ Come in, please. 请进。 Don’t be late again. 不要再迟到了。 例如: Sit down,please.(改为否定句) sit down! Don’t 根据图片内容,快速说出图片代表的英语指令。 快速抢答 Activity Three Match. 1. Put up … 2. Open … 3. Stand … 4. Sit … a)...your book. b)...down. c)...up. d)...your hand. Activit ... ...

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