
Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Taste and smell Period 1 课件(22张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:7553905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) I'm Chef Peter.Welcome to our resteruant. Unit3Taste and smell Level1: Let's learn noodles soup egg rice soup Level2: Let's pratice. noodles egg rice noddles soup rice egg Level3:Let's match. soup rice egg Smell the____. noddles Nice! soup rice egg Taste the____. noddles Yummy! Level4:Let's chant. Let's order and act. Let's order. Let's order. Thank you. Smell the flower. It's nice.Bye-bye. Let's go home. In the end,let's play 。。。。。。 RESTAURANT 图片来源:Veer图库Www.veer.com 昵图 unuoumnnipic co edrd10oo201404200849648080000 昵图 noun.nipicco Byeyuanzifeng No820160618005044194000 ((0 昵图网 uuuHnupISsoU By: 527 No:20161130063510991000 todays menu 图片来源:Veer图库Www.veer.com KD. MEN DELICIOUS HEALTHY MEALS FOR KIDS 图虫创意 stock tucheng. com png. com Smell the egg Smell the rice Egg and rice, Nice, nice, nice Taste the soup. Taste the noodles Soup and noodles Yummy, yummy, yummy. Can I help you? Soup, please Here you are Thank you. Taste it, please. Hmm…. Yummy. Yummy ■口 昵图网 nlpiE- COmer

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