
冀教版英语七年级上Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 45 China课件(40张PPT无素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:3076096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Lesson 45 China flag This is China's flag . What colour is it ? It's red . It has five yellow stars . [fl?ɡ] Objectives 了解中国的基本情况(如:旗帜、地图、首都、标志性建筑、代表性动物等)。 掌握本课的单词和重点句型。 学会简单的描述中国。 language People speak English in the U.K. People speak English and French in Canada. People speak Chinese in China . English、French and Chinese are all languages . ['l??ɡw?d?] Review Words and expressions Read the words and expressions loudly. Words language else flag palace The Palace Museum lovely n. 语言 adv. 除……以外;其他 n. 旗帜 n. 宫殿 故宫 adj. 可爱的;美丽的 This is China’s flag (旗帜). It is red. It has five yellow stars (星). This is Tian’anmen Square (天安门广场) in Beijing. This is the Palace Museum (故宫). This is the Palace Museum (故宫). It is famous around the world . ['p?l?s] What is it in _____? _____. I don’t know! English Palace Museum This is a lovely_____. It lives in _____. What __ this? panda China is lovely This is a lovely panda . Pandas live in China . ['l?vli] This is the Great Wall of China . It has a long history . language else flag palace lovely Listen and answer 1、Who lives in China ? 2、What language do people speak in China ? 3、What is the capital city of China ? 4、What countries are east of China ? Read and act Clues(线索): 1、Li Ming and Wang Mei 2、Chinese 3、Beijing 4、Canada and the U.S. Reporter China Chinese Beijing red, five yellow stars Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall the Summer Palace Country Language(语言) Capital city Location(位置) Flag Places of interest (名胜) Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. 2 Lisa: Look! This is a map of China. What do you know about China, Tom? Tom: It is a very big _____. The capital is Beijing. Lisa: What _____ do they speak? Tom: They speak _____. famous history country lovely language Chinese country language Chinese Lisa: What else do you know? Tom: The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are in China. Lisa: Are they _____? Tom: Yes. They have a long _____. And China also has pandas. They are so _____. famous history lovely Work in groups. What else do you know about our country? Draw or bring pictures and write about them. Then make a poster about China. 4 This is Tian’anmen Square. It’s a very big square. People come from all over the world to see it. 与live有关的词组 a. live on sth. “以…….为食”,例如: Sheep live on grass. 羊以草为食。 Tigers live on meat. 老虎以肉为食。 b. live a … “过…….的生活”,例如: I hope you live a happy life. 我希望你们过幸福的生活。 2. They speak Chinese. 他们说汉语。 speak为动词“讲,说”的意思。例如: Can you speak French? 你会说法语吗? She likes to speak to me. 她喜欢和我说话。 辨析: speak, say, talk与tell speak只表示“讲某种语言”时是及物动词, 其余情况下是不及物动词。例如: She can speak Japanese very well. 她日语说得很好。 My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. l ... ...

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