

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:2149218Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教四年级上册英语暑假作业(三) 一、选出与所给单词属于同类的一项。 ( )1. these A. those B.whose C. wear ( )2. nice A. five B. picnic C. cheap ( )3. sweater A.skin B.horse C. don't ( )4. take A. these B. write C.are ( )5. mine A. that B.coat C. yours 二、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。 ( )1. A. horse B. born C. fork ( )2. A. water B. dinner C. table ( )3. A. card B. farm C. for ( )4. A. ball B. tall C. wall ( )5. A. girl B. bird C.nurse 三、选出画线单词的反义词。 ( )1. These pants are too long for me. A.short B. pretty C. tall ( )2. I see a big apple. A.fat B.expensive C. small ( )3. It's hot in Beijing today. A.cool B.cold C.warm ( )4. This shirt is too cheap. A.expensive B.nice C. pretty ( )5. It's cool in Shanghai today. A.hot B.cold C.warm 四、给下列图片选择正确的单词。 A.library B. tomato C. sunny D. skirt E. umbrella 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 五、判断下列单词与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( )1. sweater ( )2. gloves ( )3. playground ( )4. cold ( )5. shorts 六、单项选择。 ( )1.-Whose book is this? -It's . A.my B.me C. my sister's ( )2. It's time go to school. For B. to C.in ( )3. How many do you have? A dresses B dresss C.dress ( )4.Those Tom's socks. A. am B.are C. is ( )5.- the weather like? - warn A. What's: It's B. What: It's C. What: It 七、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( )1. It's cloudy in Beijing today. ( )2. The pants are just right for me. ( )3. I like this sweater. ( )4. He’s a farmer. ( )5. The T-shirt is expensive. 八、给下列句子选择正确的答语。 ( )1. Where's the gym? ( )2. Is that the music room? ( )3. What time is it? ( )4.How do you like that dress? ( )5. Whose coat is this? A It's 8o'clock B. It's pretty. C. It's on the first floor D. It's Linda's E. Yes. it is. 九、选择合适的句子补全对话。 A. Of course. Here you are. B. How much is it? C. What time is it? D. Can I help you? E What's the weather like today A:1. B: It's sunny. A:2. B: It's 3 o'clock. A: It's time to go shopping. (They’re in a shop.) C:3. A: Yes. Can I try on this skirt? C:4. A: Oh. it's nice. 5. C: It's 65 yuan. A: I’ll take it. 十、阅读短文,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)。 There is a party today. Sarah wears a pretty dress, but it's too long.Jack wears a nice hat. It's very expensive. It's ninety-eight yuan. Amy wears a beautiful scarf. It's just right for her! Wendy wears a new pair of sunglasses.They are cheap. They are only fifty yuan. What does Mike wear? He wears a pair of blue shorts! They are all very happy at the party! ( )1. Sarah wears a pretty dress and it's just right for her. ( )2. Jack's hat is nice and expensive. ( )3. Amy wears a beautiful scarf. ( )4.Wendy wears a pair of expensive sunglasses. ( )5. They are all very happy. 参考答案 一、1-5 ACABC 二、1-5 TFFTT 三、1-5 ACBAC 四、1-5 DAEBC 五、1-5 TFTFF 六、1-5 CBABA 七、1-5 TFFFT 八、1-5 CEABD 九、1-5 ECDAB 十、1-5FTTFT 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) ... ...

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