
Unit 5 There is a big bed A Let's spell 同步课件+练习(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:34次 大小:24643424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 There is a big bed 课程编号:TS2004010103R510503YXY 授课老师:Iris 人教版英语 【慕联教育同步课程】 Let’s spell Let’s wrap it up Review A Let's spell Let’s a game! Read and Yes or No Today Monday today is your . play say You have a computer class on s. Maybe is . Iris is a kind teacher. always Tuesday birthday What’s the same? Let’s spell Today Monday play say Maybe always Tuesday birthday Let’s spell / ei / It’s a long home . for the bus. It’s . r_ _ny W_ _t will show after . Are they same? r_ _nbow r_ _n a i a i a i Maybe a i Let’s spell way / ei / Let’s spell rain rainbow paint wait __ai__ _ai_____ __ai__ __ai__ say way birthday Monday __ay __ay _____ay _____ay / ei / Let’s chant I cannot wait, I cannot wait. My birthday is on Monday. I cannot wait, I cannot wait. It‘s going to be a fun day. wait Find “ai” : birthday Find “ay” : Monday day wait birthday Monday day Exercises 1. rainbow always rainy 2. Monday today wait 3. day may paint 4. say way rain Listen, read and circle Exercises Today rainy paint Today rainbow Monday Look, listen and write Let’s wrap it up There is There are in front of above behind beside the table There is a cat in front of the table. There are two photos above the table. There is a water bottle behind the table. There is / are … . Review 1. “ai”和 “ay”的发音 “ai”和 “ay”都读/ei/ 例词:rain, paint, rainbow, wait say, way, birthday, Monday 2. There be句型用法 主语是单数,用is 主语是复数,用are 就近原则:be动词根据最接近be动词的那个名词单复数决定。 如:There is a pen and two pencils. 否定句在be动词后加not 如: There aren’t any books. 慕联提示 SEE YOU 亲爱的同学,课后请做一下习题测试,假如达到90分以上,就说明你已经很好的掌握了这节课的内容,有关情况将记录在你的学习记录上,亲爱的同学再见!杭州慕联教育科技有限公司(www.moocun.com) 人教版英语五上Unit 5.3 A Let's spell 一、读一读,选择发音不同的一项 1. A. water B. cake C. way 2. A. rain B. wait C. that 3. A. say B. party C. today? 4. A. paint B. rainbow C. read 二、判断发音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。 5. mail may 6. tail farm 7. warm way 三、单项选择 8. There _____ lots of animals in the zoo. A. am B. is C. are D. be 9. There _____ two books and a key in my desk. A. am B. is C. are D. be 10. There _____ a hamburger and two sandwiches on the plate. A. am B. is C. are D. be 答案解析: 1.A 解析:water中a发音/ ?? /,其他两个发音/ ei /。 2. C 解析:that中a发音/ ? /,其他两个发音/ ei /。 3. B 解析:party中y发音/ i /,其他两个发音/ ei /。 4. C 解析:read中ea发音/ i: /,其他两个发音/ ei /。 5. T 解析:两个发音都是/ ei /。 6.F 解析:tail中ai发音/ ei /,farm中ar发音/ a: /。 7. F 解析:warm中ar发音/ ?? /,way中ay发音/ ei /。 8. C 解析:很多动物,所以是复数,选are。 9. C 解析:就近的是两本书,是复数,所以选are。 10. B 解析:就近的是一个汉堡,是单数,所以选is。 ... ...

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