
Unit 1 The Olympic Games Part B-C 课件+素材(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:31次 大小:38770803Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit1 The Olympic Games Part B Let's chant Games,games,the Olympic Games. Watch,watch,did you watch Did you watch,the Olympic Games? What, what,what do you know? Wha dou you know about the Olympic games? 点击此处播放视频 Review 读出你看到的单词,看到 拍手两次 game Olympic games trake place Summer winter ring answer hold 举办 held hold 的过去式 Now August 8,2008 yesterday hold begin held began 读课本P4,回答下列问题 Read and answer 1.When did the Games bigin? 2.What are the slogans? The Games began on August 8,2008. One world,one dream.Faster,higher and stronger. 以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Show reading Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演 Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演 Let’s act Unit1 The Olympic Games Part C Enjoy a song 点击此处播放 火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词 ) Review Let's sing 根据刚才听的中文版,唱出英文版 一千里 手拉手 翻开课本P6,观察五环图片,然后,补全书中句子,老师会找同学上黑板展示。 Let's write Let's chant 点击此处播放音频 跟老师一起打着节拍chant。 长城 福娃 根据老师读的英文内容,将下列时间和相应活动连线 Let's match 五环图 Let's evaluate 完成课本P8,然后自主默单词,背诵课文,完成练习题。

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