
外研版英语九年级上Module 9 Great inventions Unit 2 单元课后训练(含答案无听力题)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:134095Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 9 Great inventions Unit2 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.It’s a pity that a large a     of clean water is wasted every day.? 2.The lovely children came in all d     when the bell rang.? 3.The i     of this kind of machines made it possible to make things quickly.? 4.Walking is the safest, simplest and best f     of taking exercise.? 5. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s     (发展).? Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 6.Information can be     (store) on the computer.? 7.    (print) is one of the greatest inventions.? 8.Railways are important to the economic     (develop) of a country.? 9.A beautiful horse will be     (draw) by John next week.? 10.The PLA     (found) on August 1st, 1927.? Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 11. 当茶叶可采摘时,人们手工采摘后再送去加工。 When the leaves of the tea plant are ready, they are picked         and then are sent for processing.? 12.我每天晚上睡觉前都要浏览报纸和杂志。 I         magazines and newspapers before I go to sleep every night. ? 13.每次你可以从图书馆借两本书。 You can borrow two books from the library             . ? 14.我们经常把老师比作蜡烛。 We often     teachers     candles. ? 15.他赚了大量的钱。 He made             of money. ? 16. 这个新产品是用来快速加热食物的。 This new product             heating food quickly.? Ⅳ.阅读理解 In the US, a new video app called TikTok has become very popular. It’s a free social media app that is used to make short videos with a mobile phone. My friends and I have been using Instagram and Snapchat for a while, but my parents have had mixed feelings about allowing me to use social media. However, they eventually(最终) gave in when I proved that I was able to manage my time wisely and get my homework done. I also promised that I would not spend a lot of time on it. I really didn’t want to miss out on this fun and trendy platform. I have made three TikTok videos so far and one of them got over 2,000 views within a few days. Every mid-October, my school has homecoming, which is an annual tradition of welcoming back old alumni(校友) and celebrating school spirit. The Student Council also organises a week of events to celebrate homecoming. Making TikTok videos became one of the events this year. Many of us made TikTok videos. Our Student Council chose the top five funniest videos. The winning videos were played on a big screen during a school assembly(集会) and our school’s president was the first place winner. I made a TikTok video with a couple of friends. Although I didn’t win, I enjoyed the process since my video showcased(展示) my creativity. On a recent trip to Chicago, a popular food truck in front of a well-known university was providing food and it was sponsored(赞助) by TikTok! As I enjoyed the free food, I couldn’t stop wondering what the next social media trend might be. (  )17.Which of the following correctly describes TikTok? A.It ... ...

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