

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:38次 大小:407784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    初高中英语衔接学习材料8 一: 词汇积累 1.We can?compete(v.竞争,比赛 )?with the best teams. 我们可以和最好的球队竞争。 2.?I?infer?(推断)?that my?advice?has been accepted.我推断我的建议被采纳了。 3.He?was late for school because he?was caught in?the heavy storm. 他上学迟到了,因为被困在了暴风雨中。 注:be caught in ?被困在……中 4.He?cancelled?(cancel?取消)his order.?他撤消了定货单。 5.She's too tired and in no?mood?(心情,情绪)for dancing. 她太疲惫了,没有心情跳舞。 6.His long boring story made me?yawn?(打呵欠).?他的冗长的故事听得我直打哈欠。 7.These are matters that you can?bring up(提出)?at the meeting.? 这些问题你可在会上提出。 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was?brought up?(抚养,养育)by her aunt.? 她出生后不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。?注:bring up养育;提起 8.The situation suddenly became?tense(紧张的??tension ?n.紧张). 9.He tried to?build up(增强,?增进)?his strength.?他试图增进体质。 He has?built up?(逐步建立)a good business over the years.? 几年来他生意做得很兴旺。 注:build up ?(1) 增强,?增进 ?(2) 逐步建立 10.She turned a?deaf?(聋的,不愿听的)ear to our warnings and got lost. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。 注:turn a deaf ear to sth.?对……?充耳不闻。 Don't?be?too?hard?on?the young.?不要对年轻人过分严厉。 be hard on?对……苛刻 诚信自测: 1.?We can?compete(_____) with the best teams. 2.?I?infer?(_____)?that my?advice?has been accepted. 3.He?was late for school because he?was caught in?(_____)?the heavy storm. 4.He?_____?(取消)his order. 5.She's too tired and in no?mood?(_____)for dancing. 6.His long boring story made me?yawn?(_____).? 7.These are matters that you can?bring up(_____)?at the meeting.? Her parents died when she was a baby and she was?brought up?(_____)by her aunt.? 8.The situation suddenly became?_____(紧张的). 9.He tried to?build up(_____)?his strength. He has?built up?(_____)a good business over the years. 10.She turned a?_____(聋的,不愿听的)ear to our warnings and got lost.? 二: 句型积累 According to the fact that some of us didn’t?take?our summer vocation homework?seriously?,?there’s no denying that?quite a few?students?don’t like doing their?homework. The question has caused wide public concern.??Really,?just as an old saying goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, too much homework maybe does harm to our study. However, we should also take into account?the fact that the entrance examination to college will not change. So certain homework is?necessary. ????As for?you , when the homework is not?beyond your ability, you should?make great?efforts?and?take proper measures?to deal with it. Only in this way, can you make progress every day, because doing exercises?contributes directly to?a person’s success. 注释: 1. take sth. seriously ?认真对待某事 quite a few=?many ?????quite a little=much 3. There’s no denying/doubt that…??无可否认…… 4.?...cause wide public concern????……引起广泛的关注 5. Just as the saying goes “…”???正如谚语所说 ... ...

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