
上海新世纪版英语八年级上册Unit 1 Modern Technology Lesson 2 Robots教案(1课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:86次 大小:18432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit One Lesson Two Robots Period 1 Tuning In Teaching Aims 1.Learn the new words in Part I 2.Try to use the new words in dialogues 3.Moral object: Learn to ask and answer something about robots Important and Difficult Points robot, tidy, tidy up, prepare, dangerous, make the bed, perform, operation, perform an operation, home-help, be different from, machine, nothing, with pleasure, difference, housework, somebody, memory, fantastic, factory Teaching Aids 1.Multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder Teaching Procedures I. Pre-task preparation: A guessing game: try to get the word “robot” by guessing letters. II. While-task procedure: 1.Learn more about “robot”. (1)Do you know who he is? (2)Is he a real person? (3)He is the world famous robot Asimo. 2.Learn the new words: fantastic, memory (1)How do you like Asimo? (2)Does he have anything special? Please say something about it. 3.Learn the new word: pleasure A: It's too heavy, Asimo, could you help me? B: With pleasure. 4.Learn the new words: machine, different, be different from Can you tell me what you will see if you go to a factory? Here is a picture of an ordinary machine. Robots are machines, too. And they are useful machines. They are different from ordinary machines. 5.Learn the new words or phrases: tidy up, prepare, perform an operation, make the bed, dangerous A matching game: What are the robots doing? (1)Read the new words after the tape recording. (2)Let the students read the new words first and then correct the pronunciation. (3)Read the new words together. III. Post-task activity: 1.Try to spell the words according to the record. 2.Try to read and spell the words according to the Chinese. 3.Make up short dialogues with your partners according to the following questions: (1)What is this? (2)What is it doing? (3)What does it look like? (4)Can it do housework for people? 4.Try to make sentences with the new words and the phrases. IV. Assignment: 1.Oral work: To read the new words and expressions. 2.Written: (1)To copy the new words and recite them. (2)To preview the text. 3.For advanced study: Find out more information about robots on the Internet. 2 / 2

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