
北京版四年级英语上册素材-Unit8 Revision 知识点梳理

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:45次 大小:24366Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit8 Revision Lesson 27 Do you understand? 你理解吗? 1. Tick (√) or cross (×). 勾出对或错。 1.?Maomao wants to get the green pen. 毛毛想买绿色的笔。 2.?We have red, orange and blue pens. 我们有红色、橙色和蓝色的钢笔。 3.?Guoguo needs a pair of shoes. 果果需要一双鞋。 4.?This pair of shoes is 100 yuan. 这双鞋100元。 2. Listen and number. 听录音,标序号。 1.?Trees cannot live without sunshine. 树木没有阳光就不能生存。 2.?It rains in summer and it snows in winter. 夏天下雨,冬天下雪。 3.?Animals cannot live without air and water. 动物离不开空气和水。 4.?Ice can become water and water can become. 冰可以变成水,水可以变成水。 Can you match? 你能连一连吗? Chinese food??中餐 jiaozi? ? ? ??饺子? ??? ? ? pork ribs???排骨???? noodles? ??面条? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? sweet and sour fish?糖醋鱼 Western food? ??西餐 sandwich? ??三明治 hot dog? ? ? ? ??热狗 hamburger? ? ?汉堡 pizza? ? ? ? ? ? ??披萨 Can you talk? 你能谈谈吗? Linda is in a shop to buy a ruler. 琳达在一家商店买一把尺子。 She wants to buy an eraser,? 她想买一块橡皮、 a pen,a pencil, a pencil case? 一支笔、一支铅笔、一个铅笔盒 and a schoolbag. 和一个书包。 It’s hot and sunny in summer. 夏天很热,阳光明媚。 We go swimming, go boating and go fishing.?? 我们去游泳、划船和钓鱼。?? It’s cold and snowy in winter. 冬天又冷又下雪。 We go ice-skating. 我们去滑冰。 We make a snowman. 我们堆雪人。 Can you read? 你会读吗? ? Grassland is a dry place with a lot of grass. 草原是一个草多又干燥的地方。 Some grassland animals are small, like prairie dogs. 有些草原动物很小,像草原土拨鼠。 They hide in holes in the ground. 它们躲在地上的洞里。 Large grassland animals have other ways to stay safe. 大型草原动物有其他方法来保证安全。 Giraffes’ long necks help them see danger. 长颈鹿的长颈帮助它们看到危险。 A forest is a place with lots of trees. 森林是一个树木茂盛的地方。 Big and small animals live in forests. 大小动物生活在森林里。 Some animals find food in the trees, 有些动物在树上觅食, like woodpeckers, 比如啄木鸟, make holes in the trees for a home. 在树上挖洞作为自己的家。 A pond is a small body of water. 池塘是一小片水域。 It has little or no salt in it. 里面几乎没有盐。 Fish and plants live in a pond. 鱼和植物生活在池塘里。 Many animals find food and 许多动物找食物, build homes in a pond, like beavers. 在池塘里造窝,比如海狸。 An ocean is a large body of salt water. 海洋是一个巨大的咸水体。 It is very deep. 它很深。 Lots of mammals, fish, and plants live in the ocean. 许多哺乳动物、鱼和植物生活在海洋中。 For example, whales, seals, and sea lions live in the ocean. 例如,鲸鱼、海豹和海狮生活在海洋中。 Help the animals find their homes. 帮助动物找到它们的家。? Grassland? ?草原 prairie dogs? ??草原土拨鼠???? giraffes??? ? 长颈鹿? Forest? ?森林 Woodpeckers??啄木鸟 Pond? ??池塘 beavers? ??海狸 Ocean? ? ?海洋 seals? ? ? ??海豹? sea lions? ?海狮? whale? ? ? ? ? 鲸鱼 Can you write? 你会写一写吗? 1.Write the missing letters: 写下丢失的字母: all? ??? tall? ? call? ? ball ??small ?? 全部? ? ?高? ?打电话? ? ? ... ...

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