
Unit2 what do you do on Sunday 知识点梳理

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:39次 大小:17405Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2 what do you do on Sunday? 第二单元 星期天你做什么? Lesson 5 Listen and say Do you go to the park on Saturday,Kate? 你周六去公园吗,凯特? Yes,I?do. 去的. Do you have classes on the weekend?? 你们周末有课吗? No,we don’t. 没有. Let’s act Do you to the?park?on Saturday,Kate?? 你周六去公园吗,凯特? Yes, I?do./No,l don't.? 去的./不去。 park公园?cinema电影院?bookstore?书店?museum博物馆 Let's say Sunday, Monday,Tuesday .Wednesday is the next?day.? 周日,周一,周二周三是下一天。 Thursday, Friday ,Saturday, 周四,周五,周六 Saturday is the last day. 周六是最后一天。 Lesson 6 Listen and say What do you do on?Saturday? 你周六做什么? My parents and I go to the?farm. I play with the animals. 我父母和我去农场,我和动物玩儿. What do you do on Sunday? 你周日做什么? I go to the zoo.l like animals. 我去动物园,我喜欢动物. Let's act What do you do on?Sunday? 你周日做什么? I go to the zoo. 我去动物园. Let's say We are happy we can say, The special name for each day.? 我们很开心我们会说,每一天的特殊名字. Lesson 7 Listen and say What do you do on Saturday? 你周六做什么? I often go to see a film.?我经常去看电影. I often go to see my grandma and grandpa.?我常去看我的奶奶和爷爷. It's Sunday.Let's go to the park. 今天周日,我们去公园吧. We can play football or basketball. 我们可以踢足球或打篮球. Let's act What do you do on?Saturday? 你周六做什么? I often go to see a film.?我经常去看电影. Let's?play Sunday,Monday.Tuesday, 周日,周一,周二 Wednesday is the next?day. 周三是下一天。 Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 周四,周五,周六, Saturday is the last?day.?周六是最后一天。 We are happy we can say. 我们可以说我们很高兴. The special name for each day. 每一天特有的名字. Lesson 8 Match and say read books??读书 go to the zoo??去动物园 draw pictures??画画 play football??踢足球 Talk and act It's Saturday. Do you go to the park today? 今天是星期六。你今天去公园吗? No, I don't. 不,我不去。 What do you do on Saturday? 你在星期六干什么? I often ... . 我经常......。 What do you do on Sunday? 你在星期天干什么? I ... . ?我......。 Look and?read A?peach for each and one for the queen. 每人一个桃子,一个给王后。 You see a key on his knee. 你在他的膝盖上看见一个钥匙。 Let's play What do you do on Thursday? 你在星期四干什么? I?go to the park on Thursday. 我在星期四去公园。 Trace and match park??公园 zoo??动物园 Let's do I go?swimming on Monday. 我在星期一去游泳。 Monday??星期一 Tuesday??星期二

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