
2020年江苏中考英语一轮复习之教材知识研究 七年级(上) Unit 5~ Unit 8(习题,含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:54次 大小:1250403Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教材知识研究 七年级(上) Units 5~8 (限时:30分钟 分值:34分) 备讲精练             Vocabulary & Grammar 一、单项选择(每小题1分) 1. (2019江西)—Hurry up! —One moment. I _____ my e?mails and then I'm ready to go. A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. have read 2. (2019凉山州)—What's in the picture on the wall? —There _____ a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground. A. has B. are C. is D. have 3. (2019怀化改编)—_____ dictionary is this? It's very nice. —I think it's Mary's. A. Who B. Whose C. Whom D. Which 4. (2019盐城模拟)—Would you go to the concert with me tonight, Jim? —I'd like to, but then I have a few guests to _____ in the Red Rose Restaurant. A. speak B. wait C. treat D. train 5. (2020原创)As a student, it's better to find the way to solve the problem actively instead of _____ the answers directly. A. paying for B. standing for C. preparing for D. looking for 6. (2020原创)Life is not always as _____ as we think. We should learn to face bad situations with smiles. A. smooth B. useful C. terrible D. meaningful 7. (2020原创)—The weather here _____ quickly, and you'd better take your jacket. —Thanks for your suggestion. A. moves B. changes C. breaks D. appears 8. (2020原创)—The skirt is too large. Could you show me a smaller one? —_____. Here you are. A. All right B. That's a good idea C. Of course not D. Yes, please 二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(每小题1分) 1. (2019宿迁模拟)她从小就对音乐感兴趣。 She _____ music when she was young. 2. (2019宿迁模拟)这个节目给我们提供了一个近距离观察不同风味菜肴的机会。 The programme provides us with a chance to _____ dishes of different tastes. 3. (2020原创)这个周末我们打算和一些朋友一起去野餐。 We are going to _____ with some friends for a picnic this weekend. 4. (2020原创)我认为我们最好把这个计划再认真考虑一下。 I think we had better _____ the plan carefully again. 5. (2020原创)拍照时,我总是坐在爸爸和妈妈中间。 I always sit between mum and dad when we _____. Reading 三、完形填空(2020原创)(每小题1分) 吃火锅交朋友 To many__1__ people in Sichuan, there is no problem that cannot be fixed with a hotpot. I was born in and grow up in Sichuan. Hotpot is an important part of my life. We usually even__2__ big events with a hotpot. However, when I went to the UK, I found that it was__3__ to have hotpot in town (more than 100 yuan per person, without drinks), while the locals know nothing about hotpot. They don't even know that lotus root(莲藕) is a__4__. Maybe the only kind of hotpot they know is Swiss chocolate fondue(瑞士巧克力火锅). So I came up__5__ an idea. It was to invite some international friends to a hotpot dinner. The dinner helped me to__6__ our culture. It also gave me a(n)__7__ to make friends. I first showed my__8__ for cooking for my best friend, who is a German girl. I took my rice cooker, the pot I used to make hotpot, with me__9__ I went to her house in Germany. My friend__10__ her gift—a couple of Chinese bowls—and she told me that this wo ... ...

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