
Unit 1 My name's Gina.Section B 同步测试(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:1219791Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教七年级上册英语Unit1 Section B 同步测试 I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. Two and f is seven. 2. Nine and z is nine. 3. One and one is t . 4. One and three is f . 5. Three and three is s . 6. One and six is s . 7. Three and six is n 8. Emma's telephone n is 983-1611. 9. -What's two and six? -It's e . 10.-Whats your p number? -It's 497-7275. Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子。 11. This is our (学校). 12. Lisa is my (朋友). 13. We are from (中国). 14. I can see a (电话) on the table. 15. I like the picture in the (中间). Ⅲ.单项填空。 ( )16. What's three and six? A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine ( )17. There are stars in our national flag (国旗). A.three B. four C. five D.six ( )18.(徐州中考)-Mum, this is my best friend Amy. - are in the same class. A. You B. Our C. We D. They ( )19.- her phone number? -It's 6545-6454. A. What B. What's C. Whats D. What are ( )20. -Is he Bob Smith? -Yes, . A. he is B. he's C. she is D. she's ( )21.Our new English teacher is Mary Jones. We call her . A. Miss Jones B. Mr Jones C. Mr. Mary D. Miss Mary ( )22.What your phone number, Lisa? - 278-6987. A.is; She B. are; I’m C. are; It's D. is; It's ( )23. He is my friend his name is Tony. A and B. but C. or D. so ( )24.“ One one zero”表示 . A.火警 B.匪警 C.急救中心 D.交通事故报警 25. Jim is my first name and King is my last name. My full name is . A. Jim B. King C. Jim King D. King Jim Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 26.你的电话号码是多少? What's your ? 27.我们来自PEP中学。 We are from PEP . 28.那个女孩的姓是史密斯。 The girl's is Smith. 29.杰克是他的名。 Jack is his . 30.这是你的号码吗? your number? V.句型转换。 31. His name is Eric.(对画线部分提问) name? 32. This is my friend.(改为一般疑问句) your friend? 33. The man is Jay Chou.(改为否定句) The man Jay Chou. 34. The boy’s phone number is 568-9844.(对画线部分提问) phone number? 35. His last name is Green.(对画线部分提问) last name? VI.连词成句。 36. student, are, you, a, school middle, now(?) ? 37. name, the, first, what's, girl's(?) ? Jenny, 1, White, am(.) . 39. name, his, is, Brown, last(.) . 40. telephone, what's, your, number(?) ? Ⅶ.补全对话。 A: Hello! I’m Jenny. 41. B: My name is Tina. A:42. B:Green. A: What's your telephone number? B:43. A: Tina, is she Mary? B: 44. She is Cindy. A:45. B: He is Mike, Mike Brown. A. What's your last name? B.It's 236-5689. C. How old are you? D. What's his name? E. Yes, she is. F. No, she isn’t. G. What's your name? 41. 42. 43. 44 45. Ⅶ.阅读理解。 I’m Tan Linlin. I’m from Shanghai. I have a good friend. Her name is Wang Ling. She is thirteen years old. We are in the same class. She has a brother. He is in Grade Two. His name is Wang Wei. He is eight years old. Their father, Mr. Wang is a teacher. He teaches (教) English in No. 2 Middle School. His telephone number is 786-2951. Their mother is Lin Tong. She is a teacher, too. But she teaches Chinese.Her telephone number is 785-6836. ( )46. What's Wang Ling's last name? A. It's Lin. B. It's Wang. C. It' ... ...

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