
牛津译林版六年级上册英语语法 动词过去式归纳+句型

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:23次 大小:61440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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字母 原形(过去式) 括号里的是动词过去式 a am (was) 是 are (were) 是 b begin (began)开始 become (became)变成 bring (brought)带来 buy (bought)买 blow(blew)吹 c cut (cut)切割 can (could)能 come(came)来 catch(caught)捉、抓 d draw(drew)画画 drink(drank)喝 drive(drove)开车 do (did)做 / 助动词 e eat (ate)吃 f find(found)找到 fly(flew)飞 fight(fought)打架 feel(felt)感觉 fall(fell)掉下来 g give(gave)给 get(got)得到 grow(grew)生长、种植 go(went)去 h have/has (had)有 hear(heard)听见 hurt(hurt)疼 i is(was)是 k keep(kept)保持 know(knew)知道、了解 l let(let)让 lose(lost)丢失 leave(left)离开 m meet(met)遇见 make(made)制作 p put(put)放 r read(read)阅读 run(ran)跑 ride(rode)骑 s sit(sat)坐 sing(sang)唱 swim(swam)游泳 see(saw)看见 sleep(slept)睡 sweep(swept)扫 smell(smelt)闻起来 stand(stood)站 t teach(taught)教 tell(told)告诉 take(took)带着 think(thought)思考、认为 throw(threw)扔 u understand(understood)明白、懂得 w write(wrote)写 wear(wore)穿着 规则动词过去式变化规律: 1. 大部分直接在词尾 + ed,如:looked,played,opened 2. 以不发音的e结尾的直接 + d,如:liked,lived,danced,skated,closed 3. 辅音加y结尾的变y为i + ed,如:tried,carried,cried,studied 4. 以重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾的动词,双写词尾的辅音字母再加ed(和现在分词规律一样) 如:planned,planned,shopped,stopped,travelled +ed 后的发音 1. /d/ 大部分浊辅音后面加ed念 /d/ 2 / t / 大部分轻辅音后面加ed/念t/ ch, sh ,p, pe, k, ke, s, h, f 结尾一般为轻辅音。 3. /Id/ d, de, t, te 结尾加ed 念 /Id/ planted collected pointed shouted visited wanted needed 口诀:清对清,浊对浊,元音后面要读浊,/t/ /d/结尾发/Id/ 常见的过去式时间状语: … ago, before… , last… , yesterday, the day before yesterday, just now, this morning, at that time, one day, that day, … 一般现在时和一般过去时的几种句型比较 时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 肯定句 主语+动词原形/动词三单+其他 I have a computer. I live in Beijing. He/She has a computer. He/She lives in Beijing. 主语+动词过去式+其他 I lived in Beijing last year. He/She lived in Beijing last year. We went to the book shop yesterday. He/She went to the book shop yesterday. 否定句 (含有not的句子) 主语+do not /don’t+动词原形+其他 I don’t have a computer. I don’t live in Beijing. (三单)主语+does not/doesn’t+动原+其他 He/She doesn’t have a computer. He/She doesn’t live in Beijing. 主语+did not/didn’t+动原+其他 I didn’t live in Beijing last year. He/She didn’t live in Beijing last year. We didn’t go to the book shop yesterday. 一般疑问句 (用yes和no来回答的问句) Do/Does+主语+动原+其他 Do you have a computer? Does he/she have a computer? Did+主语+动原+其他 Did you live in Beijing last year? Did he/she live in Beijing last year? Did they go to the book shop yesterday? 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+do/does+主语+动原+其他 What do you have? What does he/she have? When do they live in Beijing? When does he/she live in Beijing? 特殊疑问词+did+主语+动原+其他 When did you live in Bejiing? Where did you ... ...

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