
上海新世纪版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Holidays and Festivals学案(3份打包无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:96次 大小:37725Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Lesson 1 National Holidays Period 3 【学习目标】 1.能够基本掌握词汇、词组、句型及语法。 2.牢记各个知识点的用法,归纳总结异同点,通过习题加强巩固。 【学习重难点】 1.能根据要点提示复述课文大意。 2.能背诵课文中的重点句型或句子。 【学习过程】 Listen to the text, and complete the dialogue between Linda and Helen Helen: Li Hui invited me to a National Day gala. Linda: Did he? Did you accept his invitation? H: No, I didn’t. L: Why not? H: Because the gala was _____ _____ _____ of September 30 and we went to _____ that day. L: What a _____! By the way, do the Chins children usually decorate their school for National Day? H: Yes, they _____ it with _____, _____ _____ _____ _____. L: Are there any fireworks displays? H: _____. L: What do most people do on National Day? H: Family members _____ _____ and have dinner. L: Do they have dinner _____ _____ or _____ _____. H: Some people have dinner at home and some at restaurants. L: What else do people do? H: Some people _____ _____, others _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, and still others _____ _____. Group Work: Retell the text October 1 is… We are going to have a… We usually have a gala…(when) We do something to… For example, we decorate…with… Sometimes we watch… During the holiday, family members get… Some people…others… and still others… 2 / 2Lesson 3 Christmas 学习目标 1.能够基本掌握词汇、词组、句型及语法。2.牢记各个知识点的用法,归纳总结异同点,通过习题加强巩固。 学习重难点 1.能根据要点提示复述课文大意。2.能背诵课文中的重点句型或句子。 学习过程 单词 短语 句型 1.Christmas n. on Christmas Day 在圣诞节 (Dec. 25)on Christmas Eve 在平安夜 (Dec. 24)at Christmas 在圣诞节期间Father Christmas 圣诞老人do Christmas shopping 圣诞购物 A: Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!B: You too! The same to you! 2.discount n. & v. give sb. a discount 给某人打折sb. get a discount 某人得到一个折扣 Bargaining:A: Can you give me a discount? How much discount can I get?B: I’ll let you have it at 10 per cent off. = I’ll give you a 10 per cent discount. 我给你打九折。 3.per cent=percent(美) n. one per cent 1%, ten per cent 10%20 per cent off 打8折80 per cent off 打2折 4.try vt. try it/ them on 试穿 (代中)try on the yellow jacket 试穿这件黄色夹克 Offering help:1) A: Would you like to try it on? B: Sure. 2) A: Can I help you?What can I do for you?B: 肯Yes, please. I’d like…/ I want…否No, thanks. I’m just looking. n. have a try 试一下 5.dollar n. 美元 ten dollars 10美元cent 美分 pound 英镑 penny 便士 6.assistant n. 助理 a shop assistant 商店营业员 an assistant engineer 助理工程师 assist v. 帮助 7.customer n. 顾客 custom n. 风俗 8.size n. 尺寸 a coat in my size 一件适合我尺码的上衣a coat in a small size 一件小号上衣 size small/ medium/ large 小/中/大号This is size medium.这是中号的。 9.fit(fit/ fitted) v. (使)合适 fit sb. well 非常适合某人fitting/ changing room 更衣室 Talking about sizes and prices:A: How does it fit? 它合适吗? It fits me well. 非常适合我B: It’s too small. You have a larger size ... ...

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