
外研版英语九年级上Module 5 Museums词汇检测和语法专练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:96768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版九年级上册Module5词汇检测和语法专练 I. 根据中文写出单词 往楼上,在楼上adv. 位于楼上的adj. 展览;展览会n. 规则;法则n. 违反规定 遇上麻烦;处于困境 尾,尾巴n. n.粗绳;绳索 n.进入权:进入许可 找不到的;失踪的adj. 位于楼下的adj.在楼下adv. 惩罚;惩处v. [复数]通信n. 物理学n. 化学n. 挖掘,掘(洞)v. 煤n. 能量;能源n. X射线; X光n. 实验n. 沙;沙子n. 操作;操纵v. 卡车,货车n. 车轮n. 全部的adj. II. 词组翻译 1.在二楼_____ 2.猴子展览_____3.违反规定_____ 4.处于困境_____ 5.禁止入内_____ 6.不合适的,不方便的_____ 7.难怪_____ 8.进去_____ 9.跨过那条线_____ 10.拍照_____ 11.失物招领处_____ 12.下楼_____ 13.违反规则_____ 14.与...不同_____15.物理实验_____ 16.用...把...装满_____17.查明_____ 18.与...比较_____ 19.看标志_____20.从地里挖煤_____21.开发能源_____ 22.新东西_____23.允许某人做某事_____24.发出吵闹声_____ 25.和...一样频繁_____26. 马上_____ 27.乘电梯_____ 28.注意_____29.所有年龄段的_____30.在全世界_____ III. 根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词。 1. 这是阅览室。禁止喧哗! This is the reading room. _____ _____! 2. 如果你遇到麻烦,请立刻给我打电话。 If you are_____ _____, please call me at once. 3. 这是违反规定的,我们最好别那样做。 It’s _____ _____ _____we had better not do that. 4. 所有年龄段的人都可以加入这个足球俱乐部。 People _____ _____ _____can _____the football club. 5. 你能帮我查下这本英语词典多少钱吗? Can you help me _____ _____ _____ _____the dictionary is? 6. 我拿自己和她比,发现我们是不同的。 I _____ _____ _____her, and found we_____ _____. 7. 如果你不付款,就不允许你进入博物馆。 You are not allowed to_____ _____ the museum _____ _____. 8. 如果他发高烧,送他去看医生。 _____he has a _____ _____, send him to see a doctor. 9. 我除了学英语之外还学了法语。 I’m learning French_____ _____ _____English. 10. 去帮我把这个桶装满水。 Go and_____this bucket_____water for me. IV. 用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 discover, two, environment, enter, over there -Look at the girl_____! Do you know who she is? -Sure, here you are. Bill’s office is on the_____floor. -How do you like your new job? -I like it very much. The working_____is very comfortable. Mary _____a fine restaurant in Peace Street last weekend. Look at the sign- “No_____”. We’d better not get in there. V. 根据中文提示,写出单词的正确形式。 A museum is a place for visiting and learning. People can often learn many things in museums. In a_____(历史)museum, you can know how people lived many years ago. You can also_____(比较)their life with our modern life. In a science museum, you can even do some interesting _____(实验)there. Some museums are free for people. It means every person has the chance to enjoy some_____(展览)in the museums without paying any money. There are many different kinds of museums to_____(选择)from. For example, if you like some great_____(绘画), an art museum is the best place for you to visit. If you want to know how the sea and mountains formed, you should go to a _____(自然的)museum. The British Museum and the National Gallery in London and the National Museum ... ...

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