
牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit2 Colors 短语句型总结

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:27次 大小:49152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9A Unit2 colours Comic& Welcome(P20-21) 粉色是女孩的颜色。粉色没什么不好。蓝色穿在你身上好看。你穿蓝色好看。没有颜色这个世界会是个乏味的世界。彩虹的颜色一场阵雨你知道彩虹中有几种颜色? Pink is a girl’s color.There is nothing wrong with pink.Blue looks good on you.You look good in blue.The world would be a dull place without colors.colors of the rainbowa rain showerDo you know how many colors there are in a rainbow? Reading(Page22-25) 影响我们的心情心情好/坏想知道这是否是真的使我们感到困倦的感到放松的把墙刷成蓝色冷色调 蓝色给我们的身心带来平和。代表忧伤/ 快乐我感到忧伤。纯洁的颜色很多女性喜欢在她们的婚礼上穿白色。更喜欢暖色喜爱(做)某事…胜过(做)某事…营造一种温暖和舒服的感觉使我振作起来使我想起温暖而阳光明媚的一天希望成功她十分羡慕、嫉妒。在身体或精神上需要力气对你有帮助很重要(2种)代表力量和强烈的情感穿红色也能使采取行动更容易。做决定有困难在作业上有困难丹尼尔喜欢蓝色因为它能在他生气时帮助他平静下来。我最喜欢的颜色和我的性格相配/不配。 influence our moodsbe in a good/ bad moodwonder whether it is truemake us feel sleepyfeel relaxedpaint the walls blue 被刷成蓝色be painted bluea calm colourBlue brings peace to our mind and body.represent sadness/ joyI’m feeling blue.the colour of purityMany women like to wear white on their wedding day.prefer warm coloursprefer (doing)sth. to (doing)sthcreate a warm and comfortable feelingcheer me upremind me of a warm and sunny day(remind sb. of sth.)hope for successShe is green with envy.require strength in either body or mindbe of some help to you=be helpful to you be of great importance= be very importantrepresent power and strong feelingsWearing red can also make it easier to take action.have difficulty making a decision(have difficulty doing sth.)have difficulty with homework(have difficulty with sth)Daniel likes blue because it can help him calm down when he is angry.My favorite color matches/doesn’t match my characteristics. Grammar(Page26-28) 给她带来好运颜色与心情的关系在我们的日常生活在很多方面浅/ 深色个人品味白衣服适合她。被用于庆典在古代中国古代欧洲的统治者Integrated skills (Page29-30)颜色疗法发现颜色的力量是如何改变你的心情和改善你的生活!退款从事颜色疗法大学毕业她自从大学毕业就从事色彩疗法。向不同的人建议不同的颜色建议穿紫色建议她穿白色制服宁愿做某事宁愿而不愿我宁愿穿橙色也不愿穿红色。Study skills (Page 31)穿蓝色 想到有驱走邪恶的幽灵的力量希望人们给男宝宝穿上蓝色希望男孩们将被保护。根据一个欧洲故事Task(Page 32)背着一个白色手提包让她看起来比较有力量感到压力有点大也许她感到虚弱,那就是她穿红色的原因。红色和白色是很好的搭配,因为强有力的红色平衡了冷静的白色。 bring her good lucka relationship between colors and moods.in our daily livesin many wayslight/ dark colorspersonal taste.White clothes suit her.=are suitable forbe used for celebrationsin ancient Chinathe rulers in ancient Europe color therapyDiscover how the power of colors can change your moods and improve your life!get your money backpractice color therapyleave collegeShe has practised colour therapy since she left college.suggest ... ...

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