

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:32次 大小:94031Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新九年级暑期英语检测 Part I 词汇检测(55%) 一、用方框中所给单词的适用形式填空。每词限用一次。 invite worry far receive her --Whose dress is this?--It’s , Sam’s mother’s. Don’t about me. I’m very well today. He lives the from school in the class, so he takes the underground. Mike often emails from American friends. It’s my son’s birthday tomorrow, so he his best friends to his birthday party already. prepare twenty rise enjoy except We have classes all day long Saturday afternoon. For most boys, nothing is than playing basketball. Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers in the century. When I got up this morning, my mother for breakfast for my family. The teacher told the students the sun in the east yesterday. fight throw pale cross billion rubbish around is bad for our environment. On a clear night, we can see of stars in the sky. Gina's face turned as soon as she heard the bad news. Chinese people are working together against COVID-19. Go that bridge and you’ll find the village you are looking for. 二、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出各处单词的正确形式,每空不限填。 A Hello, everyone.My name is Grace. I'm from America. I am in Beijing now. Beijing is a good 16 ( 地方) to live in. I 17 (学习) Chinese for half a year. My school is very 18 (漂亮的) and my teachers and classmates are friendly to me. I have a lot of 19 (事情) to do and have a good time here. In China, the Spring 20 (节日) is very important. It usually comes in 21 (二月). Before it, people often clean their houses 22 (打扫) away bad 23 (运气). My good friend Li Mei asks me to go to her family this new year. And she says I can get a hongbao from her parents. Hongbao 24 (意思) lucky money, you know. And I can also have lots of 25 (饺子). I am very happy! B Frank was a middle school student. His father was very 26 (严厉的) with him. He felt unhappy and he left home 27 (独自). He couldn't find a job so he had to make a living by begging. Years later, his father was old, but he was still looking for his son. He went to every corner of the city. 28 (每个地方) he went, he put up a big photo of himself and Frank on the wall. At the top of the photo, he wrote, “I still love you, my son. Please come back home.” One day, Frank 29 ( 看 见 ) one of the photos. The 30 ( 脸 )on the photo were familiar to him, “Is that my father?” He 31 (想) for a while and decided to go back to see his father. It was an early morning when he got home. The door was open. He rushed to his father’s bedroom. “It’s me! Your son is back home.” They 32 (拥抱) each other. The son asked, “Why is the door unlocked?” The father 33 ( 回 答 ) in soft 34 ( 声 音 ), “Because I'm looking forward to your 35 (返回). In fact, the door has never been locked since you left.” C Tony loved basketball and he wanted to join the 36 (大学) basketball club. One day, a car hit him when he 37 (穿过) the road to a basketball game. Tony 38 (醒来) up in a pain in a hospital room two days later. What was 39 (更糟的), he fou ... ...

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