
Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let's learn课件(22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:3392000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Part B Let's learn (Mike wants to see a dinosaur show this weekend.) Where is Mike going? He is going to _____. the science museum (Sarah wants to see a film this evening.) _____ is Sarah going? She is going to _____. the cinema Where (Zhang Peng wants to take his dog to see a doctor this afternoon.) _____ __ Zhang Peng _____? _____. He is going to the pet hospital Where is going _____? _____. He is going to the bookstore (John wants to buy some books this Sunday.) Where is John going John is going to buy some books for his family. dictionary (His mother is learning Chinese.) a Chinese dictionary an English dictionary an English-Chinese dictionary a Chinese-English dictionary dictionary dictionaries word book I’m going to buy _____ and _____ for my mum. a dictionary a word book magazine football magazine art magazine travel magazine John’s father likes travelling(旅游). I’m going to buy _____ for my dad. a travel magazine comic book John’s little brother is only 5 years old. He can read a little. A comic book is a book with many pictures and little words. I want to greet(问候) my cousin, Jack in the USA. postcard a postcard two postcards three postcards John is going to buy _____ and _____ for his mum. John is going to buy _____ for his dad. John is going to buy _____ for his brother. He is going to buy _____ for his cousin, Jack. a dictionary a word book a travel magazine a comic book a postcard They are in the bookstore, too. What are they going to buy? I’m going to buy _____. a new dictionary _____ _____ and _____ 2 comic books a postcard _____, _____ and _____ I’m going to buy _____. a dictionary a word book 2 postcards _____ 3 comic books and 4 postcards dictionary A: Where are you going this weekend? B: I’m going to the bookstore. A: What are you going to buy? B: I’m going to buy … postcard comic book word book

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