
人教版(2019)Unit 1 Teenage life section II Reading and Thinking同步练习以及答案解析

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:54次 大小:1212928Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教版新教材Unit1 section II Reading and Thinking同步练习 一、单词语境记忆———根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.The company is ready to meet the (挑战) of the next few years. 2.You must write the (标题) of the passage in capitals. 3.Owing to various delays,we arrived two days behind (日程). 4.When they had finished their meals,I took their (盘子) back to the kitchen. 5.He likes the Chinese classic (文学) very much and spends much time on it. 6.Comparing notes with your classmates frequently is a good way to (改进)your study. 7.My parents want me to take (额外的) maths lessons at the weekend,but I want to play and have fun. 8.Many (毕业生) don’t earn their living by themselves but depend on their parents. 9.Having shown you around our school,we will introduce our most (advance) science lab to you. 10. (obvious),the students are not interested in the subject. 二、短语语境填空———根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1. My brother has been working in a famous company after (graduate). 2. As you know, (read) aloud is a good way to learn a language. 3.As far as I’m concerned,riding bicycles is a good (solve). 4. The young man was advised to quit (smoke). 5. Our school is trying to teach students to develop a sense of (responsible). 6. This will help them build up sense of responsibility since young. 7. He recommended the book all his students. 8. It hadn’t rained for a few months, that the crops were dried. 9. People are confused all the different labels on food these days. 10. Are you going to sign up one of the technology classes? 三、补全句子 1. 为了你不会迷路,我给过你一张地图! I gave you a map you wouldn’t get lost! 2. 应对这起车祸负责任的是我,而不是你。 I,rather than you, the car accident. 3. 我妹妹变化这么大,以至于我几乎认不出她来。 My sister has changed I can hardly recognize her. 4. 我父亲以前总是熬夜到很晚,但是现在已经习惯早睡了。 My father used to stay up late,but now he to bed early. 5. 无论谁想去那儿都要到这里签名。 Whoever wants to go there must here. 四、阅读理解。 A When Susan Saunders was 36, her mother was diagnosed(诊断) with severe dementia(痴呆). “I had a full-time job as a TV producer – and I became a career as well.” As a teenager, she watched her mum care for her own mother, who had the same condition. “I decided to increase my and my families’ chances of ageing well.” Annabel Streets’ story is similar. As a student, she watched her mother care for her grandmother, who lived with dementia for nearly 30 years. She said, “When I developed a chronic autoimmune disease, I knew things had to change.” Together, Saunders and Streets started researching the latest science on how to have a healthier, happier old age and?blogged about their findings for five years. Their Age Well Project has now been published as a book, and Streets and Saunders, both in their 50s, say they have never been in better health. What did they learn? Walk faster Walking is good, but pace matters. Fast walking has ... ...

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