
magic clothes

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:2114338Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 温州市少艺校 陈雅冯 shorts Monkey King shorts pants 苗族 哈尼族 阿昌族 回族 傣族 Where are my pants. A: Where are my pants. B: What colour are they A: They are … B: Are they your pants A: Yes, thank you! shorts pants jeans Cowboy wears jeans. Monkey King Superman Harry Potter I’m so cold. Can I wear the ___ stick clothes brother grandpa aunt sister mother father grandma Whose are they They are grandma’s. They are _____’s. stick shoes 找找不同之处 The pants are _____. The pants are _____. socks The ____ are ____. The ____ are ____. The ____ are ____. The ____ are ____. Magic Clothes Store Magic shorts, magic shorts. What color are they They are green. Whose are they They are Superman’s. Can I wear the shorts Sure, here you are. Oh, no! Bye, bye! Magic _____, magic _____. What color are they They are _____. Whose are they They are _____’s. Can I wear the ____ Sure, here you are. Bye, bye. / … Oh, no! green A: Magic _____. B: What colour are they A: They are _____. B: Whose are they A: They are _____’s. B: Can I wear the _____ A: Sure, here you are. B: Wow! Thank you. magic Clothes make up a man. Good behavior makes up a 人靠金装,马靠鞍。 美好的心灵需要好行为来装扮。 Please prepare your clothes and behavior to welcome the 2010 Asian Games. 为迎接2010年亚运会的客人,请准备好你的穿着和行为。 小组合作模仿课本P31创编一个chant, 并为自己小组的歌谣配上相应的衣物图画。 2.找一找在运动赛事中, 哪些运动项目需要穿长裤,哪些需要穿短裤, 哪些是要穿袜子和鞋子的,哪些则不需要。 然后和同学分享你所找到的信息。 homework

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