
Unit 1 Going to School 第一课时课件(24张PPT)(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:40907866Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Going to school Warm-up isten to a song What are the rules? Warm-up isten to a song Raise your hand What are the rules? 2. Show respect to al 3. Follow all directions ead n Xiaoxiao Jim Baker ( Miss Wang Mr ead n Mrs Jenny Brown Qiaoqiao 会 OO 元2 口 ead n Xiaoxiao Jim Baker Jenny Brown Qiaoqiao 口 icture walk Make a prediction low many people are there? S sT。P 2 Who are they 3. Where are they? 4. Are they in the same grade II yy 5. How's the weather Picture walk Make a prediction 1. How are they feeling now? 2. Can you guess what they are talking about? 3 icture walk make a prediction What happens in the end? 3 Listen and answer What grade is Jenny in? She's in the sixth grade 6.4 4.4 learning new word 'grade 王己量詈0号人叶. e learning new word 'grade Q图 L 6 1 What grade are they in? Listen and answer What grade is Xiaoxiao Are they in the same grade? ★★ Listen and answer What grade is Qiaoqiao in? e is in the first grade Review the grade What grade are they in? 8 P以 口口 sShe's in the sixth grade. es in the first grade She's in the sixth grade.

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