
Unit 1 Going to School第二课时课件(23张PPT)(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:12次 大小:32947983Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Going to school Review Li Xiaoxiao Jim baker Jenny brown Li Qiaoqiao 222 Review Make a sentence grade, same, get on Review Order the sentences grade you are What n She sixth grade n the the We n grade sameare comes here bus the Picture walk &Make a prediction School Who is running? Why is he running Picture walk &Make a prediction Does the boy catch the bus? Picture walk &Make a prediction s Why does he touch his head? Can you guess what grade he is in? Picture walk &Make a prediction What are they talking about? sten and answer What's the boys name? sten and answer Choose a correct one Jim is not late today.() Jim is not on time today sten and answer 6 made it MADEIT MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH FEARLESS MOTIVATION sten and answer Geographic South Pole I MADE PANETTA ADVISORI sten and answer What does Qiaoqiao say? e But you were late yesterday sten and answer Why were Jim late yesterday? Because his watch stopped Q etters and sounds stopped 在清辅音 t]、[k]、 印、[s]、[h等后读 helped looked washed 在浊辅 等后及元音后读d

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