
新目标英语2020-2021学年八年级上学期阶段性试卷(Units 1-3) (含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:35次 大小:1243852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 阶段测试卷(Units 1-3) 根据句意及首字母填词, 使句子通顺完整。 (5分) It is n_____ for you to be more careful . My math teacher is very s_____ class . He hardly smiles . Did you go a_____ during the summer vacation ? Mountain climbing and swimming are her favorite a_____ . _____ my grandpa is old , he looks very strong and healthy . II. 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。 (10分) ( ) 1. My friend is _____ same as me . We are both quiet . A a B. an C. the ( ) 2. Mum doesn’t want me to _____ coffee too often . A make B. drink C. buy ( ) 3. I didn’t go to the mountains _____the bad weather . A because of B. so C. because ( ) 4. It’s cold , so we decided _____ at home . A stay B. to stay C. staying ( ) 5. I don’t want to go to the museum with them , because it’s too _____ . A relaxing B. boring C. bored ( ) 6. Paul and I _____ tennis yesterday . He did much better than I . A play B. will play C. played ( ) 7. - _____ do you visit your grandparents ? - Three or four times a month . A How soon B. How many C. How often ( ) 8. We _____ play sports on school days . You know , we don’t have enough time . A often B. usually C. hardly ( ) 9. We should give children _____ to eat . A healthy something B. something healthy C healthy anything ( ) 10. -Did she go to Beijing yesterday ? -_____ . She had a good time there . A Yes, she did No, she didn’t Yes, she does V. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。 (方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关) (10分) A. Are you popular in your school ?B. What kind of friends do you like ?C. May I ask you some questions ?D. Of course . E. Thanks for your answers . F. How old are you ? A:Hi, Jim ! ___1___ B: __2___ A: Do you like to make friends ? B: Yes. Because I’m an outgoing boy . A: __3___ B: I don’t like to make friends who are different from me . And I like friends who are outgoing and funny . A: OK, I am the same as you. ___4___ B: Sure . You know . I’m the best player in our school basketball team . A: Yes, and you are handsome , too. __5___ B: You’re welcome . _____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ VI.补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整并符合逻辑。(每空一词)(10分) A: Good morning ! I’m a reporter from a TV station . 1. _____ ? B: Of course , please . A: Uh, how many hours do you need to finish your homework every day ? B: About one hour every day . A: Good . How long do you exercise a day ? B: I exercise at least one hour a day . A: 2. _____ do you eat fruit and vegetables ? B: I eat them every day . A: Do you like them ? B: No. But my mother says fruit and vegetables 3. _____my health . A: Do you like junk food ? B: I like it very much . But I try to eat it only once a week . A: Why ? B: Because my mother tells me it isn’t good for health . A: 4. _____ every night ? B: About nine hours . A: That’s great ! I think you must be 5. _____ . VII. 短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的横 ... ...

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