
英语小升初专项复习——情景交际 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:2650054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 小升初专项复习 情景交际 一、问候、介绍 1. 常见的见面问候语 (1) Good morning/afternoon/evening! (2) Hello/Hi. (3) Nice/Glad to meet you. (4) -How are you? -Fine,thank you. And you? /Very well,thanks. 2. 介绍 自我介绍 介绍别人 My name is. . . He/She is. . . I'm. . . / I'm from. . . He/She has. . . I like. . . /I can. . . This is. . . I have. . . He/She likes. . . My favourite colour/food is. . . His/Her name is. . . His/Her favourite colour/food/animal is. . 注意:介绍人物时要注意人称和数的变化; 介绍物品时,尤其要注意单、复数的使用; 介绍人和物的位置,要正确使用“There be”结构。 1. 询问 (1) what time 是问具体的时间,即几点钟; (2) 询问星期用 What day is it today? (3) 询问日期用 What's the date today? (4) when 问的时间范围比较广,包括年、月、日,也可以问具体的时间。 二、询问、告别 2. 告别 (1) Goodbye-bye! (2) See you! (3) See you later/tomorrow. (4) Good night. Goodbye 是比较正式的告别语。多用于对陌生人、年长的人说话。 Good night 是常用告别用语,用于晚上分手或睡前道别。回答都与答句相同。 在一些非正式场合,熟人或是小孩之间还常用Bye-bye或Bye. 1. 邀请与应答 邀请:Would you like to. . . ? Will you. . . ? Won't you. . . ? I'd like to invite you to. . . 不同意的应答:I'd love to,but. . . /I wish I could,but. . . /Sorry, I can't. /I'm afraid. . . 2. 致谢与应答 致谢:Thank you (very much) . /Thanks a lot. /Thanks for. . . /It's very kind of you to. . . 应答:Not at all. It's/That's all right. /You're welcome. /It's a pleasure. /My pleasure. 3. 道歉与应答 道歉:I'm sorry for/about/that. . . 应答:It doesn't matter. /Never mind. /That's all right. /It's nothing. 三、邀请、致谢、道歉 1. 打电话 在英语中,打电话一方习惯用 this, 对方用 that, 一般不直接用人称代词I,you. 电话接通,首先说 Hello! 表示礼貌,引起注意,再自报姓名或电话号码。如果要找的人 不在,常用 Sorry, he/she is not in. 打电话常用句型: (1) Hello! Is. . .in? This is. . .speaking. May/Could I speak to. . . ? Is that. . . (speaking)? 四、打电话、谈论天气及问路 (2) Hello,who is it? Hold on a minute,please. He isn't in/here right now. Can I take a message for you? Can you leave a message? Should I ask him to call you back? Sorry, I'm afraid you have the wrong number. (3) I'm phoning about the flat. I'm returning Mr Brown's call. I'd like to make an appointment to see. . . (4) I'll ring him up again. I'll call again/later/this afternoon. 2. 谈论天气 --What's the weather like today?/ How is the weather? --It's fine/sunny/cloudy/windy/snowy/rainy/hot/cold/dry/wet/warm. 3. 问路 --How can I get to. . . ? --You can get No. 109 bus. Get off at the hospital, turn right, then go straight for three minutes. The. . .is on the left. 售货员招呼顾客: ( 1) May I help you? (2) Can I help you? (3) What can I do for you? (4) What would you like? 顾客常用语: ( 1) No, thanks. I'm just looking around. (2) I'm looking for. . . (3) I‘d like to have/buy. . . (4) Can you show me. . . ? (5) Could I have a look at. . . ? 五、购 ... ...

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