
高中英语必修一Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Integrated skills (II) 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:23次 大小:30197Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《英语》(必修·第一册) Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Integrated skills (II) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. learn how to ask for and give advice; 2. learn how to write a letter of advice; 3. get to know how to better maintain parent-child relationship. II. Key competence focus 1. Understand the format of a conversation. 2. Understand the purpose, the structure and the style of language of a letter of advice. 3. Write a letter of advice. III. Predicted areas of difficulty 1. Have a conversation on asking for and giving advice. 2. Write a letter of advice. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Before writing 1. Lead-in: parent-child relationship (1) T greets Ss and asks them to answer the following question: T: Hello, welcome back to Teen Time. This is Cynthia. Let’s pick up where we left in the previous programme. How do you find your relationship with your parents? You can use some abstract nouns. T puts the given words into two boxes, positive and negative. T: From your answers, obviously, most of you have difficulty getting along with parents. You may experience loneliness, pressure or something bad from time to time. Today, we’re going to continue to talk about parent-child relationship. Word bank 1 Abstract nouns argument, tension, control, difficulty, complaint, pressure, strictness, loneliness, silence, misunderstanding, over-protection, impatience, dissatisfaction … Negative love, respect, care, patience, freedom, understanding, communication, protection, independence … Positive 【设计意图:紧扣主题,用学生熟悉的话题作为预设教学目标的情境载体导入,创造生动活泼有趣的课堂氛围,激活学生已有的知识和经验。在学生给出词汇的同时进行分类汇总,引出话题parent-child relationship。】 2. Having a conversation (1) T asks Ss to have a quick review of Simon’s/Laura’s personal story on page 22, and come up with possible advice. Word bank 2 ? Eager for parents’ love ? Hardly see them during the week ? Feel stressed about schoolwork ? Feel lonely at home ? Want a family outing ? Want a long talk Problems facing Simon ? What shall I do? ? What do you think I should do? ? Do you think that I should …? ? Do you have any ideas/suggestions? Expressions for asking for advice ? Is not allowed to go out with friends ? Want to make my own choices about what to do in my spare time Problems facing Laura Word bank 3 ? Have a talk ? Stop complaining ? Tell them your loneliness ? Put yourself into their shoes ? Understand them ? Make a deal with them ? Have a family outing ? Ask them to help you with your schoolwork Advice for Simon ? I suggest that you … ? I think/feel you can try … ? It might be a good idea to … ? How/What about …? Expressions for giving advice ? Have a talk ? Tell them your feelings ? Make a deal with them Advice for Laura (2) T asks Ss to work in pairs and make up a conversation between Cynthia and Simon/Laura, using the abstract nouns and expressions listed in the word banks and then present to the w ... ...

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