
七上Unit1My name's Gina. 学案(共5课时)(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:64次 大小:120465Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    七年级(上)第一单元第1课时学案 Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section A 1a-2d 〖学习目标〗 学习并熟练掌握下列单词。 name nice meet to your Ms. his and her yes she he no not 学习并熟练掌握下列句型,介绍自己或他人,问候他人。 What’s your name? My name is Gina. I’m Gina. What is his name? His name is Bob. He’s Bob. What is her name? Her name is Cindy. She’s Cindy. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! Are you Helen? Yes,I am./No,I’m not. Is he Mike? Yes,he is./No, he isn’t. Is she Mary? Yes,she is./No,she isn’t. 识读英语姓与名,辨认男名与女名。 〖重点难点〗 重点:能够熟练运用所学单词和句型,介绍自己或他人,问候他人。 难点:能够熟练运用所学单词和句型,介绍自己或他人,问候他人。〖新知预习〗 根据汉语意思写出单词。 我_____ 2.你_____ 3.他_____ 4.她_____ 她_____ 6.我的_____ 7.你的_____ 8.他的_____ 9.她的_____ 10.名字_____ 11.令人愉快的_____ 遇见_____ 13.也,太_____ 14.女士_____ 15.和;而_____ 16. 是的 _____ 〖课堂探究〗 探究1 限定词my your his her 和人称代词I you he she it的用法比较 my(我的) your(你的) his(他的) her(她的)都是限定词(det.),后面必须接名词。 如:my ruler我的尺子;your key 你的钥匙;his cup他的茶杯;her name她的名字。 I you he she it都是人称代词(pron.)必须独立使用,指代人或事务。如: My name’s Alice.I am fine.我的名字叫爱丽丝。我很好。 She is a girl.Her name is Gina.她是个女孩。她的名字叫吉娜。 探究2 三组同义句 My name’s Jenny.=I’m Jenny.(同义句) His name’s Tony=He is Tony. Her name’s Gina=She is Gina. [针对练习] I am Bob.(改同义句)_____ _____ _____Bob. His name’s Mingming.(改同义句)_____ _____Mingming. 〖达标练习〗 写出他们的缩略形式。 1 what is _____ 2 my name is _____ 3 I am _____ 4 his name is _____ 5 her name is _____ 6 he is ___ 7 she is _____ 8 is not _____ 用am is are 填空。 I _____ Mary. He _____Cindy.She _____Jack. My name _____ Jenny.What _____your name? I_____ Ms. Miller._____ you Jenny? _____ he Mike? Yes,he _____. What _____ his name? His name _____Mike. 按要求完成改写后的句子,每空一词。 Hello! I am Mary.(改为同义句) Hello! _____ _____ is Mary. He is Bob. _____ _____ is Bob. Her name is Gina.(改为同义句) _____ _____Gina. His name is Frank.(划线提问) _____ _____ his name? My name is Linda.(划线提问) _____ _____ _____ name? She is Linda.(改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答) ____ _____ Linda?_____,she _____. I am Dale.(改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答) ____ _____ Dale?_____,I _____. 从括号内选择适当的单词填空。 1._____ name’s Alice._____ am fine.(I; My) 2. _____ is a girl. _____ name is Gina.(She;Her) 3._____ is a boy. _____ name is Eric.(His;He) 4.I _____ Mike.She _____ Helen._____ you Linda?(is;am;are) 5.Nice _____ meet you,_____(too;to) 6.Now you _____.I can _____my ABC.(say;see) 7.She is _____.And he is _____(Jack;Jenny) 8.A:Good afternoon,Ms._____. B:Good afternoon,_____(Bill;Miller) 9 The jacket is _____.What color is the pen,Ms._____ (Brown;brown) 〖学后反思〗 ———七年级(上)第一单元第2课时学案 Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section A 3a-3c 〖学习目标〗 熟练掌握下列句型,介绍自己或他人,问候他人。 What’ ... ...

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