
Unit 7 Making Phone Calls 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:35次 大小:4861981Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 Making Phone Calls 闽教版 五年级上 Unit 7 Making Phone Calls Unit7: Making Phone Calls 我来教: A 重点单词 speak, wait, minute, page, write, word, time, call, mobile, way, city等的读音和用法 B 重点短语 speak to…, turn to…, five times, at home, in the cinema, on my way to…, at five o’ clock, wait a minute的使用; C掌握重点句型 May I speak to Lily? Speaking. This is Lily. I’m on my way to the park. 你来学: A 重点单词的拼写和应用; B 重点句型的使用环境和问答; C 课文中出现的其它细节知识点 D 加强对电话情景表达的练习. Unit7:Vocabulary:词汇强化 speak [spi?k] 动词,说话,讲话 发音:ea发/i?/ wait [we?t] 动词,等待,等候 发音:ai发/e?/ write [ra?t] 动词,写字 发音:i发/a?/ Unit7:Vocabulary:词汇强化 word [w??d] 名词,单词 发音:or发/??/ city [?s?ti] 名词,城市 发音:c发/s/ minute [?m?n?t ] 名词,分钟 发音:i发/?/ Unit7:Vocabulary:词汇强化 page [pe?d?] 名词,页 发音:g发/d?/ call [k??l] 动词,呼叫 发音:al发/??/ mobile [?m??ba?l] 名词,手机 发音:o发/??/ Unit7 Part A: Read Quickly Find your own problems:发现你自己的问题 Unit7 Part A: Read Quickly Find your own problems:发现你自己的问题 Unit7 part A Listen and write carefully: Solve your problems:解决问题 01 This is Wang Tao. 电话情景中,表达“我是王涛”. 讲解: 电话情境中的常见表达: This is…: 我是…; That is…:你是… May I speak to sb?: 我可以和某人通话吗? Speaking: 请说 02 What’s today’s English homework?今天的英语作业是什么? 讲解:今天的英语作业: today’s English homework 03 wait a minute.稍等. 04 Turn to Page 38.翻到38页。 讲解:turn to; 转向,翻到; Page 38: 38页;标号:名词+基数词 Unit7 练一练: Strike while the iron is hot: 趁热打铁 单项选择: ____ Wang Tao. May I speak to Lily? A I am B This is C That is 2. What is _____ English homework? A today B todays C today’s 3. Wait ____ minute. A / B a C the 4. Write the new words five _____. A time B the time C times Answer analysis: 答案解析 Unit7 练一练: 单项选择: ____ Wang Tao. May I speak to Lily? (电话情景表达我是…) A I am B This is C That is 2. What is _____ English homework? (名词所有格“’s”表示的) A today B todays C today’s 3. Wait ____ minute. (固定搭配) A / B a C the 4. Write the new words five _____.(time的复数可以表示次数) A time B the time C times Unit7 Part A: Let’s act Unit7 Part A: Learn English sounds: 掌握字母组合的发音规律: 总结:一般情况下,st发/st/,且/t/需要发生浊化; sw发/sw/ Unit7 Part B: Read Quickly Find your own problems:发现你自己的问题 Unit7 Part B: Read Quickly Find your own problems:发现你自己的问题 Unit7 part B Listen and write carefully: Solve your problems:解决问题 01 She isn’t at home. 她不在家。 讲解: at home: 在家,固定搭配 02 Please call her mobile phone. 请打她的手机。 讲解: call: 动词,打电话; call sb: 呼叫某人; call sb’s phone: 打某人的电话。 03 I’m on my way to the City Library. 我在去往城市博馆的路上 讲解: on one’s way to+地点: 在去往某地的路上 one’s要与主语保持一致: 例如: She is on her way to the bank ... ...

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