
湖南省长郡中学2020-2021学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题 (Word版含解析)(有听力音频,无听力文字材料)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:73次 大小:21102033Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    World's Best Summer Music Festivals The Governors Ball Music Festival A relative newcomer to the summer music festival scene, the Governors Ball offers a variety of performers and a taste of New York culture. Visitors can catch sets from rock, electronica, and performers, all while tasting food from popular New York City restaurants. To take a break from the music, festival-goers can participate in activities such as Silent Disco or lawn(草坪) games. WHERE: New York City WHEN: June 3-5 Roskilde Festival Created by two Danish college students, Roskilde has developed from a hippie(嬉皮士) gathering ground to a mainstream music festival. The festival attracts an international following and features performances from more than 3 ,000 artists. Bands include a mix of contemporary and lesser-known performers. and visitors can watch theirWorld's Best Summer Music Festivals The Governors Ball Music Festival A relative newcomer to the summer music festival scene, the Governors Ball offers a variety of performers and a taste of New York culture. Visitors can catch sets from rock, electronica, and performers, all while tasting food from popular New York City restaurants. To take a break from the music, festival-goers can participate in activities such as Silent Disco or lawn(草坪) games. WHERE: New York City WHEN: June 3-5 Roskilde Festival Created by two Danish college students, Roskilde has developed from a hippie(嬉皮士) gathering ground to a mainstream music festival. The festival attracts an international following and features performances from more than 3 ,000 artists. Bands include a mix of contemporary and lesser-known performers. and visitors can watch their

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