
Unit6 I'm tall Lesson35 教案

日期:2024-05-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:67次 大小:5703680Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 人教社精通版小学英语四年级(上) Unit 6 I’m tall. Lesson 35 课 时 1课时 学情分析 本课时的教学对象为四年级上学期的学生。学生在先前的学习中已积累了一些关于形容词的表达。同时,对于中英常见的节日也有初步了解。但对于节日的了解还有待深入,语言的交际性还有待提高。本课教学设计遵循英语的应用性原则,为学生创设相应的场景,让学生自由交流,灵活运用。 因是借班上课, 教师对学生不是很熟悉, 需要有教学机智, 需适时、适度、适量加以调控。 教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说、认读,并在四线三格内正确书写单词 happy,new,old,并能对事物进行描述。 2. 能了解Happy New Year!的含义,并能在特定场景下使用该句向他人进行祝福,同时向他人简单的介绍新年的主要活动。 3. 通过各种活动培养起独立思考问题的能力,能全面的看待事物。 教学重点 Vocabulary: happy, new, old Expressions: Happy New Year! Extension expressions:say happy new year, send a card, have a party, clean the room, make a wish, enjoy the fireworks 教学难点 能正确的运用形容词happy, new, old对事物进行描述。 能总结新年的主要活动,并能加入自己的观点进行讨论。 课前准备 互动式白板课件、小组评价图片、扩充短语、礼物袋子+新旧衣服、新年贺卡、单词图片、四线三格磁条 教学过程 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm up and Lead-in 2 minutes 【Greeting】 Good morning, boys and girls. Sing the song: If you’re happy. Ask students “How are you today?Are you happy?” “Good morning, Miss Wang.” 2. Sing the song and move their bodies. 3.“I’m fine./I’m good./I’m great./ I’m happy./...” Relax and lead-in Presentation of new class 25 minutes 【Words and expressions learning】 “happy”(3 minutes) 1. "Please show me your happy face." 2. "Let's write happy together."Do the air writing for the words “happy” 3.“There are so many days in a year. Which day makes you happy most? 揅an you make a guess which day makes me happy most?敔 爴January 1st爉akes me happy most, because I can receive many gifts on New Year抯 Day. 搉ew(4 minutes) 揕ook! These are my New Year抯 gifts. Guess! What抯 in this big box? (Remove the matte of the pictures on the whiteboard by students)揕ook! What抯 this? 揌ow抯 the sweater? Do the air writing for the words new. 揕ook at my new sweater. It抯 pretty. I like it. 揘ow, here are some gifts for you. Who wants to have a look? I know you brought your gifts today. Now, can you share your gifts with your classmates? 搊ld(4 minutes) 揑 saw you have a卝ust now. Is it new? No, its old. Do the air writing for the words old. 3. 揑 have an old dress too. My dress is old. But I like it. Because it抯 the birthday gift from my mother. Do you have some old thing, do you like it? Practice for the new words(4 minutes) 揇o you want to have more gifts? Let抯 go treasure hunt for New Year. Please close your eyes. I prepare lots of gift for you. 揘ow, please open your eyes. Let抯 find your gifts in the dark and describe it. 揌appy New Year (5 minutes) You see, I can receive so many gifts. I抦 very happy. What should we say to each other on New Year抯 Day? 揋reat! Happy New Year! (Distribute the cards to each group) 揙K! Now let抯 write Happy New ... ...

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