
2021届高考英语二轮复习:记叙文课件 (共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:29次 大小:833862Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Revision for Cloze--Narration 完形填空复习之记叙文 完形填空不仅要求考生具有扎实的英语基础知识,还要具备较高的综 合理解和语言运用能力。文章体裁主要包括: 1.记叙文; 2.夹叙夹议: 3.议论文; 4.说明文 考纲导续 命题规律 1.选材特点 高考完形填空以记叙文和夹叙夹议为主,说明文、议论文考查较少。文章内容多以记人、叙事为主,其主要话题涉及励志故事、 人物传记和新闻报道等。大都有积极正面的教育意义且含有人物 心理变化,提供正能量,给人以人生的启迪或是充满了生活情趣 和人生感悟。 2.设空特点 (1 完形填空的首句一般不设空。通过首句这一“窗口”,考生可以确定文章的话题、主题、背景、人物、时间、地点、事件等,从而把握文章的发展方向。 (2 以考查实词为主。近几年完形填空主要考查名词、动词(短语)、形容词、副词等实词,兼顾连词、介词的考查。 (3)以语境分析为主。大部分题目需从上下文甚至全文角度考虑作出判断体现了“突出语篇”的命题风格,要求考生根据语境从层次结构和逻辑关系角度选择最佳答案。 (4)体现核心语法和常识的考查个别题目要求考生对句子结构做出准确判断,有时还要借助常识和某些背景知识(如英语文化和风俗习惯等)解决问题 试做真题 2019全国卷I 完形填空 I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better:I discovered ASL-American Sign Language(美式手语). 41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal 42. A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration. 看首句,抓主旨 A B I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before.My entire family is hearing,and so are all my friends.The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往).Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL. 43. A. choose B. read C. learn D. create 44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken 45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request C D A 联系上下 The 46 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50 .This newness just left me 51 more. 46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task 47. A. recorded B. performe C. recited D. discussed 48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason 49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted 50. A. end B. past C. course D. wanting 51. A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting C B A D D B 看情感, 定线索 After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club`s meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54 progress,I was excited. I then made it a point to 55 those meetings and learn all I could. 52. A. exercise B. explor C. express D. explain 53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count 54. A. slow B. steady C. normal D. obvious 55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize B C A C 寻复习,定答案 The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any t ... ...

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