
牛津上海版 八年级第一学期8A 反意疑问句专项讲解及练习(有答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:30898Byte 来源:二一课件通
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反意疑问句+Other 易混淆词汇辨析 I. the other, others, the others, another 用法现归纳如下: ●基本用法 other: other+ 复数名词( other students ) another: another +单数名词, “另一个”(数目不清楚) the other: The other +复数名词= the others “其他的人或物” (指确定范围内剩下的全部) others (别人): 其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,泛指) the others: 代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,定指); ●考点要求 注意两个句式、一个搭配和两个区别 1、两个句式的用法 (1)One … the other … 一个 …… 另一个 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明具体数量的数词two;如出现的数词大于two,one可以根据实际情况调整成其它数词;如出现的数词减去one或调整后的数词后仍大于“1”时,the other应变为the others或“the other + 数词”(两个数词相加应等于所给数词)。 e.g. There are two apples here. One is for you, the other is for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the others are for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the other three are for your sister. (2)Some … others … 一些 …… 另一些 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明不定数量的词语;如出现说明具体数量的数词,others前应加上the。 e.g. There are many people on the beach. Some are swimming, others are enjoying the sun. Mrs. Smith bought 25 books. Some were for her daughter, the others were for her son. 2、一个搭配:any同other连用时应注意之点: Any others:any同单一的other连用,other应使用others; Any other + 单数名词:any后如还带有名词,用other,名词用单数; Any of结构:any of后的other前应加the,如含名词用other,名词用复数;如不含名词,用others。 e.g. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any other city. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities. 3、两个区别: (1)同数词连用时another和more的区别 another用于数词前,more用于数词后。(鞍前马后) e.g. To finish the work in time, we need another two men. To finish the work in time, we need two moremen. (2)other和else的区别 Other用于名词前;else用于wh-词或复合不定代词后,其后不能带名词。 e.g. What other animals do you like? Do you have anything else to tell us? What else did you buy last week? 4、初中英语中除上述情况外,一般都用another。 e.g. This pair of shoes doesn’t fit me. Please show me another pair. II. in, on和at表示时间的用法 at 具体时间 at 3 o’clock 相当于时刻的词 at lunch time/ night 超过一天的节日 at Christmas in 月份 in August 年份 in 2014 季节 in summer 一天中的某个部分 in the morning/evening 一段时间 in three days on 具体某一天 on Saturday, on November 15th 具体某一天的时段 on Friday evening 只有一天的节日 on Children’s day Practice I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.(选择最恰当的单词或词组完成句子) I. Choose the best answer. 1. We’ll be there _____. (tonight/ five o’clock/ ten minutes) 2. He is going to phone me on _____. (the evening/ this morning/ Friday evening) 3. I’ll see them in __ ... ...

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