
2020年秋季湖南省衡阳市祁东县成章小学入学摸底英语试卷五年级(word版 含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:91次 大小:29899Byte 来源:二一课件通
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班 级 46418534925密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 姓 名 考 号 考室号 座位号 7829559347202020年秋季成章小学入学摸底试卷 五年级英语 时量:60分钟 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。(10分) ⒈ h_use ⒉ w_nd ⒊ cli _b ⒋ str___t ⒌ b_irthday_____ ⒍ t_rn ____ ⒎ k _ tchen ⒏ w _ite ____ ⒐ cin_ ma _____ ⒑ r_inc_at 按要求写单词。(15分) they (宾格) 2. photo(复数) 3. left (反义词) 4. wash(现在分词) 5. child(复数) 6. can(否定形式) 7. let us (缩写) 8. know(同音词) 9. good (副词 ) 10. have(单三形式) 选词填空。(10分) play cinema wait speak party 1. I can English very well. 2. My sister wants to see a film in the . We are going to have a birthday for Alice. The traffic light is red, Please a minute. Can you the music for us at the Party? 单项选择(20分) ( )1. What do you do Saturday? A. at B.in C.on ( )2. He is going to exercise. A . do B . does C . doing ( )3. They in the lining room A . am B . is C . are ( )4. careful ,there are many cars on the street. A .Is B . Be C . Do ( )5. Don’t the street. A . cross B . crosses C. crossing ( )6. --Happy birthday to you. -- . A . Thank you B . All right C OK ( )7. --What your sister ? --She can sing Chinese songs. A.can, do B.can, have C.can, does ( )8. They pictures A. drawing B.is drawing C. are drawing ( )9. He often his homework A . do B. does C.doing ( )10. -- are you? --I am ten years old. How B.How many C. How old 给下面句子选择正确的答语。(10分) ( )1. What are you doing? ( )2. What can you do? ( )3. How many books are there ? ( )4. Does she often run? ( )5. Let’s fly a kite in the park. Good idea. I can make kites. There are twenty books. I am listen to the music. No,she doesn’t. 连词成句。(10分) the,at,traffic,Look,lights, . birds,tree,many,are,There,the,in, . film,I,Mom, a,see,with, my, . going,Where,you,are . green,light,The, is . 七、按要求完成句子(15分) 1、It is raining。(改为一般疑问句) . He is eight years old (对划线部分提问) . I can draw pictures (改为否定句) . Does she often sing songs? (做肯定回答) . 20+30=50(汉译英) . 八、读短文,判断对(√)错(×)。(10分) It is raining today,Linda is making a card in her study. Her father often plays football,but he is watching TV in living room now ,her mother is doing some washing .Linda is going to buy a flower for her mother tomorrow. She can take photos for her mother on her birthday. ( )1. It is raining today. ( )2. Linda is doing her homework in her study. ( )3.Linda’s father is watching TV now . ( )4. Linda is going to buy candles for her mother tomorrow . ( )5.Linda can take photos for her mother on her birthday. 2020年秋季成章小学入学摸底试卷 答案 单项选择(20分) 1-5:BABAA 6-10:ACCBB 二、补全对话。(5分) 1. Good morning 2.Frank. 3. How 4.fine/OK 5. go 三、情景反应。(10分) 1-5: CCCAA 四、从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏的匹配答语 (5分) 1-5:BEDCA 五、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (5分) 1.Are 2.to meet 3.your 4.is 5.My 六、 ... ...

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