
Unit3 Teenage problems Welcome to the unit课件 (共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:1668096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 9上 Unit 3 Teenage problems Welcome to the unit 课前预习: 翻译下列词组 变胖_____ 吃的更少_____ 更多锻炼_____ 有个问题_____ 使某人发疯_____ 考低分_____ 感到孤独_____ 没时间陪我_____ Free talk 1. Do you have any problems in your daily life? 2. What are the problems? She doesn't have enough sleep . She feel tired in class . He doesn’t have enough time to do his Homework. .The TV is always on at her home. The ____ almost Drives her mad. noise He doesn’t have close friends . Sometimes, he feels Lonely . Her parents work all day, they don't have time for her . He gets low marks in exams . I don’t get enough sleep. I feel tired in class. I don’t have enough Time to do my Homework. It’s very noisy at home . The TV is always on. I don’t have close friends. Sometimes, I feel lonely. . My parents work all day. They don’t have time for me. Sometimes I get low marks in exam. I feel sad. go to bed early and don't watch too much TV plan your time carefully and try to finish your homework quickly ask parents to turn down or turn off the TV try to be friendly to others and chat with them after class ask parents to come home early study harder and ask for teacher's help Language points 1)get enough sleep enough+ noun. e.g. 足够的水 足够的食物 adj.+ enough e.g. 足够大可以上学 足够高可以够到树上的苹果 enough water enough food be tall enough to reach the apple on the tree be old enough to go to school translation 1我没有足够时间做作业。 I don’t _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ homework. 2我没有足够的钱买这种手机。 I don’t have _____ _____ _____ _____ this type of mobile phone. The mobile phone isn’t _____ _____ _____ me to buy. have enough time to do enough money to buy cheap enough for 3 这个书架不够大,不能放下那么多书。 The bookshelf isn’t _____ _____ _____ _____ so many books on it. The bookshelf is _____ _____ _____ it can’t put so many books on it. big enough to put so small that (2)get low marks in exams 得高分 get high marks (3). The TV is always on at my home. 我家电视总是开着。 1 我回来的时候,电视机还开着。 The TV was _____ _____ when I _____ back. 2 当我到达电影时,这部电影已开始10分钟了。 The film had _____ _____ for 10 minutes when I got _____ the cinema. still to on been came on (5 )I don’t have any close friends to talk to. 我没有亲密的朋友好交谈。 close 此处的意思是“亲密的”;还可表示距离,意为“靠近的;接近的”,常与to 连用。 练一练:翻译下列句子 这个车站离我们家最近。 This station _____ ____ _____ one _____ our home. 他是我的一位密友。 He is a _____ friend of _____. is closest the to close mine Part B 1 What is Millie’s problem? 2 What should she do then? manage your time better 作及物动词,意为“控制;对付;照管”。 The girl is good at managing her money. 这个女孩善于理财 Translation: 这件衬衫很脏,但他设法把它弄干净了。The shirt was very dirty, but he_____ _____ _____ it.. 你应该学会如何控制好你的时间。You should learn _____ _____ _____ your time. managed clean to ... ...

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