

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:313856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九一小学20192020学年度第一学期三年级英语期末测试卷 英语 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 题型 听力部分(40分 1.听录音,选出你听到的字母或单词(10分) B EOP C FQC ()I A JGB C fat )3 A shd B ()4.A open B. close C clean ( .听录音,选择正确的图片(10分) ()1.A. () ()3 ()4 叮叮类微课宝 11.听问句,选答语(10分) ) 1.A. Two yuan B Two apples. C. Here you are. 6 )2.A. Yes, it is. B Yes, they are C. No, they aren't. )3.A. Yes, I am B. Yes, it is Yes, they are (2 4.A. Im sorry 5.A. Yes, he is B. He is my father. C She is my mother V.听录音,选择正确的单词并抄写在四线三格处(10分) rule This is Jims bedroom. Look at his it’ s brown.Jms are on it. H box is on the desk, too. His is in his pencil box. But where are his -?He can't find them. Can you help him? 笔试部分(60分) V.单项选择(20分) )1. This is orange. It is big. A. a B/ A. How much B How many are small A. ear )4.-What is it? a long ru A. Its B It C. Its )5.n it is cold A spring B, winter C summer C. is A. ar C. Look at A. the d C. How many A. who B. He )10. This is Joe C.She v.儕景对话,选择与情景相符的句子填在括号内(1分 It is ho 〔)2. )3. -who is she 1 5. -s this your room? v.判断图片与所给句子或对话是否相符,相符写“T",不相符写"F”(10分) 1.一 How many boys Two boys, short, 叮叮英语微课室

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