
2020_2021学年牛津译林版高二下册 模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life同步课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:4838442Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 Fit for life 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 对于我们每个人来说,健康是最重要的事情。但是你知道吗?有时候工作方面的一些因素会损害你的健康。 Warning:six signs that your work life is affecting your health Work is important,but definitely① not at the cost of your health.Many a time,women ignore their health due to work-related stress.Ignoring health because of work can cause trouble in the long run.Listed below are some signs that your work life is affecting your health. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 1.Sleep disorders It is important to maintain② a normal work-life balance.All the official work should be done in the office only.This will ensure a normal sleeping pattern.Working at odd③ hours can also cause stress. 2.Exhaustion Working for prolonged hours can cause physical and mental exhaustion in most cases.It is important to work for definite hours.Working all the time can cause stress. 3.Negative thinking Working for long hours can also cause inefficiency.Inefficiency can cause loss of productivity.Long working hours can also cause negative thinking. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 4.Stress Deadlines of meeting and working at odd hours can result in mental stress.Mental stress can cause problems in the body.To relieve stress,it is important to set fixed hours for working.Practice some tricks to maintain your health. 5.Change in behavior There may be a possible change in your behavior due to a work-life imbalance.There is a feeling of frustration④.When you notice a change of behavior,be sure what is causing the result. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 6.Change in physical appearance A work-life imbalance also causes a change in physical appearance.There may be a sudden weight gain or weight loss because of this.As working for long hours causes stress,there might be appearance of wrinkles on the face. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 译文: 警告:你的工作生活影响你的健康的六种迹象 工作固然重要,但绝对不是以你的健康为代价。很多时候,女性因工作相关的压力忽略她们的健康。从长远来看,因为工作忽略健康,会导致麻烦。下面列出的是你的工作生活影响健康的一些迹象。 1.睡眠障碍 保持正常的工作与生活平衡是很重要的。所有办公室工作只能在办公室里做。这将确保一个正常的睡眠模式。临时加班也可以造成压力。 2.衰竭 长时间持续工作,在大多数情况下会导致身心疲惫。在特定的时间里工作是非常重要的。一直工作会导致压力。 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 3.消极的想法 长时间工作,也可以导致效率低下。效率低下造成生产力损失。工作时间长,也可引起消极的想法。 4.压力 会议的最后期限和临时加班可导致精神压力。精神压力会导致身体上的问题。为了缓解压力,重要的是要设置固定的工作时间。练习一些压力释放技巧,以维护你的健康。 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 5.在行为上的变化 工作与生活失衡,有可能改变你的行为。你会有挫折感。当你注意到你的行为有所改变,要知道是什么原因造成的。 6.外貌的改变 工作与生活失衡也会导致身体外观的变化。有可能是因为这个突然增重或减重。由于工作时间长的原因产生压力,有可能会有皱纹出现在脸上。 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 1.definitely [?defIn?tli] adv.明确地 2. ... ...

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