
2020_2021学年牛津译林版高二下册 模块7 Unit 4 Public transport同步课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:89次 大小:4407621Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Public transport 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 为了减少污染,保护环境,很多专家提倡使用公共交通。你知道公共交通的好处吗? Advantages of public transport A new study has shown that public transport is more efficient① than cars.The study found that the Western Australian city Perth is a good example of a city with public transport.As a matter of fact,17% of its wealth went into transport costs.Some European and Asian cities,on the other hand,spent as little as 5%.These more efficient cities were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live in. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 According to Professor Newman,the larger Australian city Melbourne is a rather unusual city in this sort of comparison.He describes it as “A European city surrounded by cars”.Melbourne’s large tram② network has made car use in the inner city much lower,but the outer suburbs have the same car-based structure③ as most other Australian cities. Bicycle use was not included in the study but Newman noted that the two most “bicycle-friendly” cities considered—Amsterdam and Copenhagen—were very efficient,even though their public transport systems were “reasonable but not special”. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 It is common for supporters of road networks to reject the models of cities with good public transport by arguing that such systems would not work in their particular city.One objection is climate.Some people say their city could not make more use of public transport because it is either too hot or too cold.Newman rejects this,pointing out that public transport has been successful in both Toronto and Singapore and,in fact,he has checked the use of cars against climate and found “zero correlation④”. 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 译文: 公共交通的好处 一项新的研究显示,公共交通比小汽车效率更高。研究发现,澳大利亚西部城市珀斯是个公共交通发展得很好的例子。事实上,这个城市17%的财富用于交通消费。另一方面,一些欧洲和亚洲城市,在这方面的花费只有5%。这些效率较高的城市能够把这个不同用于吸引工业和工作或者创造更好的居住的地方。 根据纽曼教授说的,较大的澳大利亚城市墨尔本相比之下在这方面是一个极其不寻常的城市。他把它描述为“一个被汽车包围的欧洲城市”。墨尔本的大型有轨电车系统网使得城市里汽车的使用率更低,但是外部郊区有着和大部分其他澳大利亚城市相同的以汽车为基础的结构。 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 自行车的使用在这项研究中没被包括在内,但是纽曼说,被认为的两个自行车最受欢迎的城市———阿姆斯特丹和哥本哈根,效率非常高,尽管它们的公共交通系统是合理的但并不特殊的。 对于支持公路网络的人来说,通过争辩说这样的系统在他们的特殊城市是行不通的来反对这些拥有良好的公共交通系统的模范城市是很常见的。一个反对因素就是气候。一些人说,他们的城市不能更多地使用公共交通是因为天气要么太热要么太冷。纽曼反对这个说法,指出公共交通在多伦多和新加坡都是成功的,事实上,他检验了气候对于使用汽车的影响,发现根本是不相关的。 词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思 1.efficient [I?fI?nt] adj.(尤指工具,机器,系统等)有效力的 2.tram [tr?m] n.有 ... ...

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