
2011高二英语全案: Unit 14 Careers(北师大版必修5)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:308352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Communication Workshop 北京育英中学 杨洪杰 曹卫平 教材分析 本课是第14单元的 Communication Workshop。本课主要是运用本单元学习的话题、词汇和结构进行写作和听说的练习。 本课话题为阅读招聘广告和根据广告内容写求职信, 与学生的实际生活联系紧密,实用性很强。本课的口语表达也与学生感兴趣的职业相关,话题接近生活,学生会比较感兴趣。 本课计划分两个课时完成,第一课时重点是写作,第二课时重点是听和说。 可用资源Writing help。 教学内容 1. 复习本单元所有话题词汇。 2. 了解招聘广告和求职信的格式,练习写求职信。 3. 以演讲或采访的形式谈论与职业有关的话题。 4. 听一首英文歌曲,提取关键信息。 第一课时 First Period (Writing) 教学目标 本课结束时,学生能够: 读懂一则招聘广告和一封学生的求职信; 了解求职信的格式; 运用所学的词汇和结构根据招聘广告中的内容写一封求职信。评价手段: 评价手段: 小组评价 教学过程 教学活动Activities 设计意图Intentions 互动模式&时间IP & time Lead-in Step 1 T gets the Ss to review the words about jobs in this unit. [PPT 3] 回顾有关职业的词汇。 CW2’ Step 2 T asks the Ss how to apply for the job [PPT4-5] 引入如何申请职位--写求职信。 CW2’ Preparations Step 3 Ss read the advertisement and the letter of application then answer the questions on Page 30.[PPT6-10] 学生们阅读回答问题了解招聘广告和求职信的内容。 IW6’ Step 4 Ss read each part of the application letter, understand their functions and then match the headings with the parts they have read.[PPT11–16][学案I-1] 学生做连线找每段标题的活动,了解招聘广告和求职信的结构。 CW5’ Step 5 Ss look at the underlined words and analyze the functions of the linking words and deal with the useful expressions of linking words. [PPT 17-19] 明确连词在文章中的作用。 CW3’ Writing Step 6 T explains the task to the Ss-- Writing an application letter.[PPT 20] 明确布置任务,使所有学生都清楚要写求助信。 CW1’ Step 7 Ss work in groups of 4, thinking of what personalities are suitable for the jobs, discussing what personalities are suitable for the job and how to apply for the job. Each chooses one job they are interested in. [PPT 21-30][学案I-2] 复习描述人的个性的词汇, 组织学生讨论阅读课文招聘广告中的几个职位所需要的性格特点,选择并确定写作的内容。 GW4’ Step 8 Ss write a simple CV, and then write notes about their reasons for applying for the job, their personalities, qualifications and practical skills.[学案I-3] 学生思考,并准备好写作的素材。 IW5’ Step 9 Ss plan their paragraphs like the application letter above and write down their ideas for each part, using the linking words.Refer to Writing Help 1 on Page 90. [PPT 31] [学案I-4] 学生写作实践: 应用所学内容, 写一封求职信 IC12’ Step 10 Ss read their application letter to each other and take turns to ask questions as the part of TALKBACK on P31.[PPT 32] 学生相互交流。 CW3’ Step 11 Homework. 1. Polish up their writing of application letter.2. Do the exercises in the Language Power P74 Exx.1and 3. [PPT 33] 第一课时学案 Unit14 Communication Workshop I. Writing: A letter of application 1. Layout 1 ) Heading 2) Body 3) Ending 2.Words about personalities _____ Words and expression ... ...

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