

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:45次 大小:2295340Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【备考2021】高考英语真题分类汇编专题 完形填空话题--说明、议论类汇编 1. (广东省惠州市2020届高三英语上学期第一次调研试题) It's once again been declared the world's most popular museum. ___21___ . it may not be a___22___ thing for the Louvre (卢浮宫) in Paris. The museum broke its own___23___in 2018, welcoming 10.2 million___24___and claiming the top spot in an index of the world's most-visited museums. But the Louvre's uptick (小幅上升) in visitors is___25___ too much for many of its workers, ___26___ by reception and security staff over the number of tourists___27___ through its doors have hit opening hours throughout the week. "The Louvre is suffocating (令人窒的)," the workers union said in a statement. "The public has increased by more than 20% since 2009, but the palace has not grown,"it___28___. The museum was_ ___29___on Monday and opened later than advertised on Wednesday, due to a ___30___with the dissatisfied workers. visitors have ___31___outside the building throughout the week, and those without bookings have been____32____. Although tensions with its workers___33___ , the museum's bottom line is looking ___34___.The Louvre broke its 2012 ___35___record last year, marking a dramatic ___36___ from a sharp downturn in visits in 2017 that was due to a sudden decrease in___37___in Paris. The social media that are___38___about Beyoncé and Jay Z's music___39___filmed at the museum may have played into that increase. But while visitor numbers rose at the Louvre, overall attendance was relatively___40___among the top 20 museums in the world last year. Attendance grew among the top 20 by just 0.1% from 2017 to 2018. 21. A. Moreover B. However C. Finally D. Eventually 22. A. splendid B. skeptical C. tough D. sad 23. A. promise B. rule C. record D. law 24. A. musicians B. artists C. visitors D. volunteers 25. A. acquiring B. suffering C. blaming D. proving 26. A. strikes B. quarrels C. fights D. contests 27. A. flooding B. jumping C. crawling D. slipping 28. A. stopped B. added C. started D. paused 29. A. decorated B. repaired C. visited D. closed 30. A. lecture B. meeting C. speech D. lesson 31. A. queued B. dined C. helped D. served 32. A. turned up B. turned over C. turned away D. turned on 33. A. die out B. pay off C. fade away D. go on 34. A. healthy B. funny C. tiny D. cozy 35. A. quality B. attendance C. photo D. worker 36. A. alarm B. attack C. recovery D. prediction 37. A. paintings B. products C. population D. tourism 38. A. innocent B. selfish C. crazy D. generous 39. A. concert B. video C. festival D. industry 40. A. high B. huge C. round D. flat 2. 2019年广州市普通高中业班综合测试(二) Always wished the Earth had a second moon? Then you will be ___21___ to hear that the Chengdu Aerospace Science Institute has plans to launch multiple mini moons over the next few years. Similar to our ___22___ satellite, the light of the artificial orb (球体) will be obtained from the sun and ___23___ to Earth by its m ... ...

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