

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:40次 大小:1192570Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 小升初语法必刷题-一般现在时 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.She usually_____(help ) Linda with her maths lessons. 2.Kate often_____ ( have ) a lot of questions. 3.Where_____(be ) your English book and math book? 4.Mike_____(not like ) reading newspapers. 5.Ming Ming_____( finish ) his homework first every day. 6.My father_____(have) a lot of books. He likes reading. 7.Mary’s mother _____ (go) to the supermarket every Sunday. 8.Sometimes they_____(not have) lunch at home. 9.What_____ he like?He _____(like) playing table tennis. 10.Helen like_____(swim) every day? 11.My aunt_____(have) a farm. There are some _____(deer) there. 12.My grandfather_____(live ) in that house. 13.Tom_____ (like ) Chinese food. 14.She usually _____( have ) dinner at home. 15.— What time is it? —It _____(be) 9:00. 二、单项选择 1.Japan_____ to the east of China. A. lied B. lay C.lies D.lie 2.Does the sun_____ in the east every morning? A. rises B. get up C. rise D. get on 3.The boy next to us_____ watching the football match very much. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. to enjoy D. enjoying 4.My brother_____ the morning TV every day. A.watches B. watch C. watchs D. see 5.Linda_____ pictures very much. A.like drawing B. like to drawing C. like draw D. likes drawing 6.Do you like playing basketball? —_____. I often play it with my friends. A.Yes,l do. B. No,I don't. C. I don't know. 7.Children always_____ in winter. A.pick apples B.make a snowman C.go swimming 8.Where are your parents? —They_____ in the park. They usually_____ after supper. A. walk ; walking B. walking ; walk C. is walking ; walk D. are walking; walk 9.What _____ Amy_____at weekends? A. do;does B. does;do C. did ; do D. is ;do 10.Linda_____pictures very much. A.like drawing B. like to drawing C. like draw D. likes drawing 11.I usually _____ to school at 7:30. A. go B. goes C. gone 12.Mike often_____ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watches C. watching 13.Every morning Ben’s father_____ for a walk around the lake. A. go B. goes C. is going 14.Peter's father often _____ a bus to go to work. A. is taking B. take C. takes 15.Mrs Green_____ shirts in July. A. wear B. wears C. wearing 16.一Where_____ your friend live? —He_____ in Beijing. A. do; live B. does; live C. does; lives 17.The earth_____ around the sun. A. move B. moves C. moving 18.My aunt sometimes_____ very well. A. sing B. sings C. singes D. singing 19.He_____ his homework at home. He likes finishing it at school. A. doesn't B. don’t do C. hasn’t done D. doesn't do 三、 按要求改写句子。 1.Lucy does her homework every evening.(改为否定句) _____ 2.He reads books every day.(改为否定句) _____ 3.There are some teachers in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _____ 4.It's time to have lunch.(改为同义句) _____ 5.I have a book.(变为复数) _____ 6.He likes math because it's interesting.(对划线部分提问) _____ 7.There are some teachers in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _____ 答案 一 ... ...

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