

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:18次 大小:1243017Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 六年级上册期中测试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到单词。(10分) ( )1. A. near B. nearby C. rain ( )2. A. bottle B. bar C. heavy ( )3. A. bring B. wait C. taste ( )4. A. mooncake B. bean C. candy ( )5. A. clear B. sunny C. rain 听录音,给图片排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1. A. There will be a light rain tomorrow. B. There will be a heavy rain. ( )2. A. I like mooncakes with red beans. B. I like mooncakes with lotus seeds. ( )3. A. I would like a lot of chocolate. B. I would like a bottle of orange juice., ( )4. A. I will bring a can of Coke. B. I bought a can of Coke. ( )5. A. It will be clear tomorrow in Beijing. B. It will be warm tomorrow in Beijing. 笔试部分(70分) 四、看一看,写出单词。(10分) 1. o, w, r, d, l _____ 2. p, s, e, a,k _____ 3. f, a, e, t, r _____ 4. l, t, h, g, i_____ 5. e, l, i, m, a _____ 6. e, t, a, s,t _____ 7. c, l, a, r, e_____ 8. h, v, y, a, e_____ 9. f, u, r, t, i_____ 10. r, w, t, i, e _____ 五、按要求写单词。(5分) 1、had(原型)_____ 2、do(过去式)_____ 3、read(过去式)_____ 4、write(现在分词)_____ 5、will not(缩写)_____ 六、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. read B. speak C. games ( ) 2. A. often B. weekend C. sometimes ( ) 3. A. breakfast B. dinner C. peanuts ( ) 4. A. rain B. tea C. snow ( ) 5. A. fruit B. orange C. apple 七、选择最佳答案。(10分) ( )1. It’s time _____ breakfast. A. to B. for C. four ( )2. _____ will be a light wind. A. There B. It C. They ( )3. Can I help you? Yes. I’d like a few_____of orange juice. A. bars B. bottles C. cans ( )4. They enjoy _____ the moon. A. looking at B. looking C. read ( )5、What did you do last week? _____ I practice listening to English. B.I learnt writing. C. I am speaking English 八、请给问句选出合适的答句。(10分) ( )1.What did he do during the holidays? ( )2.What does John often do at 6:00a.m.? ( )3.What can we do on the computers? ( )4.What type of mooncakes do you like? ( )5.What are you going to bring for the picnic? 九、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) There are a few_____(bar) of chocolate. I want to buy some red_____(bean)cakes Jim always _____(practise) English in the morning. There will_____(be) a strong wind next week. My brother read some storybooks yesterday. What about you? Oh, I _____(play) games with my friends. 十、连词成句。(10分) enjoy,they, mooncakes, eating, (.) _____ did, do, you, during, what, holidays, the, ( ?) _____ like, computer,my,I(.) _____ 4. Sanya, warm, sunny, and, in, will, it, be(.) _____ 5. juice, orange, of, bottle, a, big, bring, I , will (.) _____ 十一、阅读理解。(10分) On Sundays, Jim gets up at 6:00. He has breakfast at 7:00. Then he goes to visit his grandfather by bike. He doesn’t go to school. There are not any classes on Sundays. He reads Chinese and does his homework in the morning. He has lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon, he plays football with his friends. He has supper at 6:00pm. ... ...

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