
人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:25次 大小:4436667Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Check your words 1.n.城堡 castle 2.v. 申请;应用;涂 apply 3.v.n. 租用;租金 rent 4. n.纸包v.收拾,包装 pack 5. adj.令人惊奇的 amazing adj.惊奇的 amazed 6.n.目的地 destonation 7.n.帝国 empire n.皇帝 emperor 8.n.来源;出处 source 9.n.安排 arrangement 10. adv.极其;非常 extremely 11. Adj. 狭窄的. 变窄 narrow 9.n.安排 arrangement 10. adv.极其;非常 extremely 11. Adj. 狭窄的. 变窄 narrow 12.adj.经济(上)的 economic 13.adj唯一的;独特的 unique 14.adj官方的n.要员 official 15.adj.强有力的 powerful 16.n.航班 flight 17.n.类型v.打字 type 18.vt.辨别出;承认recognise 19.n.住处;膳食accommodation 20.vt.钦佩;赞赏admire 21.n.建筑学architect n.建筑设计师architecture English Speech speakers: aloud, fluent(流畅); Interaction(互动) Listeners: concentration Dictation 1.n.城堡_____ 2.v. 申请;应用;涂_____ 3.v.n. 租用;租金_____ 4. n.纸包v.收拾,包装_____ 5. adj.令人惊奇的_____ adj.惊奇的_____ 6.n.目的地_____ 7.n.帝国_____ n.皇帝_____ 8.n.来源;出处 _____ 9.n.安排_____ 10. adv.极其;非常_____ 11. adj.狭窄的v.变窄_____ 9.n.安排_____ 10. adv.极其;非常_____ 11. adj.狭窄的v.变窄_____ 12.adj.经济(上)的;经济学____ 13.adj唯一的;独特的_____ 14.adj官方的n.要员_____ 15.adj.强有力的_____ 16.n.航班_____ 17.n.类型v.打字_____ 18.vt.辨别出;承认_____ 19.n.住处;膳食 _____ 20.vt.钦佩;赞赏_____ 21.n.建筑学_____ n.建筑设计师_____ Unit 2 Travelling Around Reading and Thinking --Explore Peru Preparation before class: English book, notebook, pens and your 271BAY. You'd better try your best to focus on this class. Learning objectives: 1.To explore and learn about the famous travels in Peru in two text types. 2.To retell your favorite travel of the four . 3.To recommend a suitable route to travel Peru. Brainstorming Do you know which country it is? Before Reading Watch the video Welcome to Peru and answer the questions. 1. What did you see in the video? 2. What other sourses of information can you find about Peru? I saw the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest , Cusco city, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca in the picture. I wish I could learn more about the people of Peru. To find out more about Peru, I could check online, use an encyclopedia, go to the library, or get some travel brochures. Read the two texts quickly and think about what types of text are they: encyclopedia or brochure. Recognise text type: Before you read, look through the text quickly for titles, headers, pictures, charts, and any other information that might tell you what type of text it is. Fast reading In geography, it has three main areas: a narrow, dry, flat land; the Andes Mountains; and the Amazon rainforest. In history, as a part of Inca Empire(印加帝国), it was governed by Spain. Peru gained independence in 1821 and its capital is lima. The ancient Inca capital is Cuzco, now a tourist destination. Lima Cuzco Lake Titicaca the highest lake in the world Machu Picchu the Amazon Jungle a narrow, dry, flat land the Andes Mountains 1. Read the text TRAVEL PERU carefully and understand the meaning of the fo ... ...

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