
初中英语外研版七年级英语上册Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat?优质课比赛课堂练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:42次 大小:9722Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 6 The trip to the zoo . Unit 1 Does it eat meat ? Task One: 1. Listen and choose the best answer.(Activity3) Q: 1, What’s Lingling’s favourite animal? A. panda B. tiger C. lion 2, What’s the name of the panda? A. Tony B. Betty C. Lingling 2. Listen again and complete the table .(Activity3) Animals Eat Look like Lions (1) _____ dangerous Bears meat and (2) _____ ? / Elephants plants (3) _____ Pandas (4) _____ (5) _____ Task two: Look at the table and finish the blanks.(读短文并完成下面表格) Retell the passage(复述课文) There are (1) _____ kinds of animals from different countries in Beijing Zoo, (2) _____ as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (3) _____ because they eat meat. The bears eat (4) _____ too, but also plants. Elephants are different .They’re (5) _____ and eat (6) _____. Pandas are black and white and eat (7) _____.They are (8) _____. The panda’s name is Lingling Task three: 1.请调查你班的同学看他们最喜欢动物是什么?以及它们喜欢吃什么食物?看起来像什么样的?(看谁调查的有多又快) Name Favourite animal Eat Look like Favourite animal Eat Look like A: What’s your favourite animal? B: My favourite animal is …… A: What does it eat ? B: It eats…… A: What does it look like? B: It’s … 2.Make a report(报告): In my group , _____ ’s favourite animal is _____ .It eats _____ . They are _____ . _____’s favourite animal is _____. It eats_____. They are _____. ......

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