
Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat?研究课课件(共21张无素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:4516264Byte 来源:二一课件通
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M6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat? Where are the speakers? What are they doing? They are in Beijing Zoo. 1st Listen and answer They are visiting the zoo and talking about animals. the animals you hear. bears zebras giraffes pandas lions theelephant 2nd Listen and tick the tiger monkeys the wolf camels √ √ √ √ √ √ Does the panda eat …? Does the elephant eat …? Animals Things they eat People’s feelings about animals The lion The bear The elephant The panda meat and other animals meat and plants plants plants(bamboo) 3rd Listen and complete the table cute dangerous Do all these animals come from the same place? No, they don’t. They come from many different countries. Does … come from …? the elephant the lion the bear the panda Africa Asia America Europe 1. What does the elephant look like? 2. What does Lingling look like? What does the elephant look like? Lingling It’s very tall. She’s black and white. Why do they give the panda a person’s name? Because they love animals. Pair work One is a guide and the other is a foreigner. Introduce at least 3 animals Talk about food/habitats/ physical features 5. Role play Have a conversation Welcome to Beijing Zoo a long neck a pouch humps We love animals. But some animals are dangerous in real life. They may hurt or even eat people. Don’t come too close, touch or feed them. So we should love and protect them in the right way. Humans should live in harmony(和谐)with animals. Homework Write down the dialogue you and your partner just had in class. Thank you !

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