

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:67次 大小:1267712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册专项复习:补全对话 一、补全对话 1. A: How do you go to Zhuhai? B:????????????????????? . 2.根据情景,补全单词。 — What are you_____? — We are _____?the stars. 3.根据情景,补全单词。 — How _____?your father go to work? — He goes to work _____?. 4.根据句意,补全对话。 —_____?do you come to school? — I come to school _____. 5.A: How do they go to school? B: _____. 6.从方框内选择恰当的句子,补全对话。 A. Yes, but not every day. B. My father is a doctor. C. What does your father do? D. Yes, he's so busy every day. E. He goes to work by bus. Peter: Bob. _____ Bob: He's a fireman. He puts out fires every day. He's brave.21教育网 Peter: How does he go to work? Bob: _____ He works at the fire station. Peter: Does he drive a fire engine (消防车)? Bob: _____ How about your father? Peter: _____ He helps sick people. Bob: Great! I want to be a doctor, too. Is he busy every day?21·cn·jy·com Peter: _____ He's very kind. 7.读一读,补全对话 A. What do__you_w_ant to be? B. What subject do you want to teach? C. Do you want to be a doctor? D. I'm good at singing and dancing. E. They help people. Jerry: Hi_,_Lind_a. What do your parents do on Sunday? Linda: They go to work on Sunday. They are doctors. _____ Jerry: _____ Linda: No, I don't. Jerry: _____ Linda: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach children. Jerry: _____ Linda: I want to teach Music. I like Music. _____ 21穋穘穓穣 8.补全对话 A. I usual_ly_vis_it my grandparents on Sunday. B. This is John. C. I sometimes go shopping with them. D. What do you usually do with your grandparents? John: He_llo,_J_enny. _____ Jenny: Hello, John. John: Do you want to play basketball with me this Sunday? Jenny: I'm sorry. _____ John: _____ Jenny: I usually go to the park with them. John: Do you go shopping with your grandparents? Jenny: Yes. _____ 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 9.补全对话 A. She is _in_the_ kitchen. B. She is cooking dinner. C. Can she come with me? D. Is that May? Sally: Hel_lo,_Th_is is Sally. _____? Paul: No. This is Paul. Sally: Where is May? Paul: _____? Sally: What is she doing? Paul: _____? Sally: We usually have dancing lessons in the evening. _____? Paul: I'm sorry. She can't have dancing lessons with you this evening. Sally: OK. 21·世纪*教育网 10..补全对话 A. We bot_h_want_ to be English teachers. B. We like different colours. C. Who is your good friend? D. Are you in the same school? E. We are in the same class, too. Miss Li: Hi, Ann. _____ Ann: Mary is my good friend. We are both ten. Miss Li: _____ Ann: Yes. We are in the same school. _____ Miss Li: Do you like the same colour? Ann: No. _____I like green and Mary likes blue. Miss Li: Do you like the same subject? Ann: Yes. We both like English. _____ 2-1-c-n-j-y 答案解析部分 一、补全对话 1. I go to Zhuhai by ship. 解析:_???????????????:_ — 你如何去珠海? 根据图片是乘轮船"by ship". 故答案为: I go to Zhuhai by ship.21*cnjy*com 点评:这是考查问答的题目. 注意常用短语的翻译. ... ...

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