
Unit 3 English around the WorldTopic 1 English is widely spoken around the world. Section D 课件(23张pp

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:1004544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Topic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world. What are they They are_____ cartoon characters. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Disney _____( 对--满意 ) one of his pictures of the mouse. was pleased with Fill in the blanks. 1. English is also spoken as a second _____ (语言) in many countries. 2. English is necessary for_____ (交流) on the Internet. 3. I’m going to India on b_____. 4. Is Spanish s_____ to English 5. Disneyland is enjoyed by m _____ of people around the world. language communication usiness imilar illions all over/throughout the world from now on have a good chance to do be pleased with have trouble (in) doing sth as well as a wide knowledge of play an important part in 从现在开始 遍及全世界 对……满意 做……有困难 ……和,也 在……中起重要作用 ……的广泛应用 Phrase Collection 有做……的好机会 I can’t _____ to fly there. Try your _____ and work much harder from now on. _____ a good trip. I _____ you success. wait best Have wish Functions Disneyland _____ by millions of people from all over the world. _____ English _____ as the official language in Cuba Of all these languages, English ____ the most widely _____. spoken is enjoyed used is Is Grammar All the students _____(ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday. 3. A traffic accident _____ (happen) just now. 2. Must the old people _____(speak) to politely Fill in the blanks using right forms of the words given. were asked be spoken happened Which language is the most widely used all over the world Can you give us some examples the U.S.A. Canada New Zealand Australia the United Kingdom Ireland English, use, mother tongue, English-speaking countries English is used as mother tongue in English-speaking countries like UK. European countries English, second language, European countries English is spoken as the second language in European countries. English, base language, world’s airlines, international business English has become the base language for world’s airlines and international business. welcome Why has this happened Let’s find the answer from history. 预习导纲 一.读1a短文,在文中划出下列短语并朗读。 1.从历史上找到答案_____ 2.在19世纪_____ 3.自从二十世纪50年代_____ 4.越来越强大 _____ 5.处于领先地位_____ 6.受某人欢迎 _____ 7.取得很大的进步 _____ 8.被看做… _____ 9.鼓励更多的人学英语____ 10.要求学英语_____ 二.读下列句子,翻译并探究。 1.Since the 1990s,English learning has been very popular with Chinese people.译:_____ 探究:此句使用了_____时态,判断的依据是_____. 做一做:①It ____ five years since we ___ our hometown. A.was,left B.was,leave C.has been,left D.is,leave ②There are many people downstairs.What do you think___ A.to happen B.happening C.is happened D.has happened 2. Now, students are required to learn English, and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world. 译:____ 探究:⑴.require sb. to do sth.意为___,其被动结构为_ ... ...

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