

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:27次 大小:51200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语试卷 Ⅰ.单词拼写(每题1分,共30分) 1.The _____(入室盗窃)in the area have risen by 5%. 2.It is _____(违法的)to drive without a license. 3.Would _____(参赛者)in the next race come forward? 4.We should help the boy _____(沉迷)to computer games. 5.The best _____(疗法)for a cold is to rest and drink more water. 6.She came home so thin and weak that even her own children hardly r_____ her. 7.I was for the plan,but he d_____ to it. 8.Smoking is b_____ in some public places,such as on the bus and at the cinema. 9.The old soldier used all he had to buy a pack of c_____. 10.They’ve r_____ the prices in the shop,so it’s a good time to buy. 11.I admire Einstein because he was a mathematical _____(天才). 12.I cannot find my watch;I must have l_____ it. 13.My sister has a t_____ for music. 14.The pianist is on his first concert t_____. 15.The b_____ played while we danced. 16.He wants to be a p_____ to work on the farm. 17.Oil does not m_____ with water. 18.The _____(音乐家)present at the party were greatly moved by the boy’s wonderful performance. 19.It’s clear that her painting has been _____(影响)by Picasso(毕加索). 20.When Beethoven was very young,he showed great _____(才能)for music. 21.The _____(入室盗窃)in the area have risen by 5%. 22.It is _____(违法的)to drive without a license. 23.Would _____(参赛者)in the next race come forward? 24.We should help the boy _____(沉迷)to computer games. 25.The best _____(疗法)for a cold is to rest and drink more water. 26.She came home so thin and weak that even her own children hardly r_____ her. 27.I was for the plan,but he d_____ to it. 28.Smoking is b_____ in some public places,such as on the bus and at the cinema. 29.The old soldier used all he had to buy a pack of c_____. 30.They’ve r_____ the prices in the shop,so it’s a good time to buy. Ⅱ.阅读理解(每题2分,共10分) When you need comfort,what or who do you go to?For some people it’s a good friend or a familiar place. For me the most comforting thing in the world is music. You may be thinking you can’t believe in music. This is true but you can believe in the feelings and emotions music gives you. Every weekday is the same for me. I wake up at 6∶00;I work from when I get there to 3∶15 on Mondays and Wednesdays and 4∶15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only thing that keeps me wise all day is music in any form. On days when either the radio got wet from the hose(水龙带)or got dropped or stolen,I have my iPad with me. In between my destinations in my truck I plug my iPad into the tape cassette adapter and play it. When I’m at school,none of my teachers care if we listen to music as long as we don’t let it become a distraction(分散注意力的事),so I have my iPad there too. Slow songs usually tend to calm people down. When people listen to sad songs they are usually depressed. Sometimes when sport teams like hockey(曲棍球),football teams are getting ready for a game they will play metal or rock music to get ... ...

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